2006 Explorer - Slot in Center Console Cupholder? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 Explorer - Slot in Center Console Cupholder?


Well-Known Member
February 13, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
SouthEast Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT
I had the center console off to replace the gearshift lamp, and noticed that the forward cupholder in the pair has a black sliding tab on the inboard side bottom. Whassat? The only thing it appears to do is allow spillage to drip down inside the console. Luckily the HVAC feeder tube runs right underneath, so there's nothing important like, oh say the engine computer right under that drain spot. Any idea what it's purpose really is?

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This one. You remove the rubber insert, and the front cup holder has this thingie at the bottom, which drains right inside the console. Anybody got a clue?


Sorry for the delay, I am an infrequent visitor here.

This is your shift-lock over-ride. If in event you push on the brake pedal and the shift lever doesn't allow you to move out of park, push this tab with a regular screw driver and it will allow the shifter to move.

