2006 Rear towing coils | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 Rear towing coils


December 2, 2014
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92 ranger. 06 ex ltd
Recently bought a 25 ft Jayco travel trailer and got a Blue OX equalizer hitch but the rear sags quite a bit.

Wonder if there are any HD coils that will help with towing. I know my coils are not new any more, but if I'm going to replace them I want something a bit stiffer.

I've read a lot on the Sumocoils but not 100% sold on the idea.

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I towed 22 footer with mine, and I thought that was the longest I would do with the Explorer.

How heavy is that 25 footer ?

Mine did not sag that much.

Even More importaint than size, how much tounge weight? How many people in explorer, how much food and gear in trunk? Have you weighed your individual axles loaded for a trip?
I did... And I was shocked how heavy I was rolling

Trailer weighs Approx 5600 lbs empty.

Your Expl has a towing capacity of about 6500 in reality. 5600 empty translates to over 6000 loaded with gear.
Few people in the car and stuff in the back will be a lot for the car in my opinion. It will tow on flats maybe OK, but that's more of an Expedition territory.
