2007 Chevy Super Ugly | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2007 Chevy Super Ugly


I will not!
May 26, 2002
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Year, Model & Trim Level
15 Sport
What are people thinking when they come up with ideas like this :confused:



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Looks like a Titan with Ford rims. Sheesh.

Yea its ugly, but its alot better than the '04 body style with the batman frontend. I really like the new Tahoe/Suburban... WTF happened with the pickup?

I like that better than the new sduty.

yup UGLY

that grill? ugly
the front fenders? ugly
wheel wells? ugly

I used to design better truck bodies in 3rd grade!

Looks like Chevy is trying to take looks of a bunch of different trucks and combine them all into one package. The thing is that no matter how ugly a vehicle is it will still sell....for the most part at least.

It looks almost good. They need to go over the design and surgically remove the suck. The wheels are to small and the bed is lower than the hood. And for gods sake if you are going to redesign a truck, stop using the same step rails you have had for the past 10 years. Come on chevy get creative.

I like it. For some reason I hate the new Tahoes, but I like this one. But then again I like the Colorado except for the rear wheel well. This ones not as slanted.

Maybe the long bed/non-extended cab will have better proportions. !!

It does have Ford-lookalike rims! That's strange.


Ok, the body panals, esp. from the back look inspired from a Dodge Dakota. Look at the center mounted emblem on the tailgate, definatly stollen from Ford's new F-150! Tailight look like a streched Colorado design. That is the Off Road package?! That is low to the ground, and those tires look about as meaty as my Michelins on my Bonneville! Oh, and WONDERFUL idea, have roof rails but no cross bars....

Excuse me while a go barf in the toilet...

I dont care what y'all say- that thing is F'in awesome. Few of you probably remember how our very own '02+ Explorers were bashed on THIS VERY FORUM before they came out. It was general consensus that no one would buy them- but look how they are accepted now. People just dont like change. I am looking forward to these coming out, just like I am the new Super Duty (I will be getting a NBS Superduty when I reach my mileage on my F150).

does anyone else despise how all chevy 2wd's look lowered

for about 6 months I thought all the mexicans around here were lowering their chevy's, come to find out, thats just how the 2wd sits.

I think the new trucks are going to share a coilover suspension whether 2wd or 4wd-like the F150 and Titan. I make a "skreet" version....


  • skreet (Medium).JPG
    skreet (Medium).JPG
    70.3 KB · Views: 153

that thing is really ugly. and it seems to sit very low for a 4x4....... :(

DirtyDog said:
What are people thinking when they come up with ideas like this :confused:



I thought he grill on teh new explorer was ugly.. holy cow.. this is even worse.. just way too big and overpowering grill!!

techieman33 said:
I don't think your silverado's gonna be rolling to long justin, that's some pretty bad rub you got going on on the front fender.
Oh, mine is bagged:)

DirtyDog said:
What are people thinking when they come up with ideas like this :confused:

"How can we make an already ugly truck worse?"

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