2007 Explorer XLT ABS ISSUE, DESPERATE!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jeff Rickabaugh

New Member
February 28, 2015
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Altoona Pennsylvania
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Ford Explorer XLT
Gentleman, Im getting desperate for help, I have an 07 Explorer XLT (6CYL) 4x4, the ABS, TC and Wrench lite are on. The codes read right rear input failure Wheel speed sensor. I replaced it with a Ford Factory replacement, the tone ring is in perfect condition and firmly in place. Tried to clear the codes, no dice, its still reading same fault. The wheels are locking up at about 20 feet pulling away from a stop light. Is there a control module that can cause this issue? I get stuck again, My wife and I transport children from a homeless shelter to Dr. Appointments etc. from the shelter and its COLD her is PA., and everywhere it seems. ANY HELP WOULD BE APPReCIATED, I actually had a shop tell me to ask this forum.. Respectfully, Jeff

**** I wish to thank each of you in advance, I am also a 50 year old student full time, so if you have any advice, please shoot me an email at my student email so I can act quickly on it. jarst1@student.mtaloy.edu **** THANK YOU!!!!

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I would say for the time being to pull fuse #6 in the power distribution box (PDB) to disable the integrated vehicle dynamics (IVD) and make it where you can drive the vehicle until you get it sorted out. This will disable your ABS and traction control so be very aware of this while you are driving.

See here around post 38:


Flag, Thank you. I pulled number 6 under the hood and it disables the ignition. I had it at the dealer this afternoon, they read no signal, as they explain (its as if the wheel speed sensor is not even present), obviously it is there. Then they state, the one I bought from NAPA on the 26th of feb was no good, they drive me back to napa as the dealership has none available, the new one reads NO SIGNAL EITHER, the only codes are the right rear wheel speed sensor INPUT FAILURE. NOW, they have ordered a harness connector for tomorrow, I WILL UPDATE THIS TOMORROW and let you all know. This issue had disabled my all wheel drive as well. I must state I left the dealer feeling VERY UNCONFIDENT in their ability to repair this issue without the OLE, change parts till we get it right routine, I thought the expensive diagnostics and the 100 per hour charge eliminated all that. **** THANK YOU for the information, I wish the number 6 fuse would allow me drive this thing, it disabled the ignition and I had to put it back in. RESPECTFULLY, Jeff

Interesting, I was not aware of that. If you start the vehicle and then pull the fuse does it work that way? Makes no sense to me that it would disable the ignition since that fuse is entirely for the ABS pump unless there is some safety feature built into in the PCM.

I have had issues with napa speed sensor before in another vehicle. I gave up took it to a shop and they told me napa wheel hubs, speed senors are known for issues. So i replaced it with a different brand 2 years later zero problems.

I am having a very similar problem with my 2007 Explorer V8 Limited. Mine came up with the right rear sensor and rear center circuit input failure.(There is no center sensor on our vehicles) I replaced all 4 sensors with genuine Motorcraft parts to no avail. The lights would just come back soon after. I actually purchased 4 aftermarket sensors to see if that would work and it did not. The toner rings are clean and not cracked or loose. I inspected the connectors and they are clean and dry. I have no idea where to go next and the Ford dealership charged me to plug in their diagnostics computer and they said it is a right rear sensor which I let them install a new one again. they cleared the codes and by the time I got home the light was on again. The computer shows the same code and the rear center input failure code should not be coming up for my vehicle according to the dealer tech. My vehicle is 100% stock and there are no modifications at all. Yet the lights remain on.
There is one thing though....Sometimes the lights come on when it rains or snows. The lights do go out when there is no rain or snow for a couple of days and they will remain off for weeks sometimes, but then out of nowhere they come on again. This would seem to indicate an open wire shorting out when it gets wet, but yet the wires are completely clean, dry with no sign of cracks when this occurs.
Has anyone come up with anything for this? The dealer will not even take it on trade since they do not know how to fix it. It will also not pass inspection anymore due to this.

[MENTION=111]Jeff[/MENTION]. When the ABS light comes on it makes my breaks apply initially. i just keep trying to move against the breaks (carefully) and eventually the stability control light comes on and disables the ABS making the car drive-able again. The problem is that you lose your 4x4 auto, ABS, and stability control. Good luck to you and please keep me informed as I will you.

Does anyone have an update to this? I am having same issue 07 v8 also. New speed sensor did not help issue. It's not registering any speed sensor. I have to hold traction control button 5 sec till it flashes before I can drive.


Does anyone have an update to this? I am having same issue 07 v8 also. New speed sensor did not help issue. It's not registering any speed sensor. I have to hold traction control button 5 sec till it flashes before I can drive.

No experience with this particular issue but after reading the thread my money would be on a bad wire. Wire insulation cracking seems to be an issue on these vehicles and that would be a likely candidate here as well. Obviously if you replaced it the new wire is good - trace back from where it plugs in.

No experience with this particular issue but after reading the thread my money would be on a bad wire. Wire insulation cracking seems to be an issue on these vehicles and that would be a likely candidate here as well. Obviously if you replaced it the new wire is good - trace back from where it plugs in.
Does anyone have an update to this? I am having same issue 07 v8 also. New speed sensor did not help issue. It's not registering any speed sensor. I have to hold traction control button 5 sec till it flashes before I can drive.

Mine experiences the same thing in the left rear. I use Torque Pro and watch that wheel throw a random false speeds. Probably not a coincidence the hub is bad on that so I'm assuming that's the real culprit.

Mine experiences the same thing in the left rear. I use Torque Pro and watch that wheel throw a random false speeds. Probably not a coincidence the hub is bad on that so I'm assuming that's the real culprit.
Mine isn't showing any speed out of it. Had this issue over the winter and I cleaned the tone ring and inspected for crack and then it went away. Now it is back and replaced speed sensor and it isn't showing any MPH out of that sensor which then kicks traction control on.. Going to try and find wiring diagram for harness. I had a broken wire two or three year ago on my Fuel pump sending unit so guessing wiring harness might be issue.

Thanks for reply!

Good luck! Hopefully it's not a rear hub and something much simpler.
