2014 calipers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2014 calipers


Explorer Addict
December 9, 2010
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I need to find out if the calipers for the 2014 ford explorer limited are different from the 2013 ford limited. I know the explorer sport are different, just need to know about the limited.

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I thought they changed midway through 2013 to all Ex's having the sport brakes now? Am I imagining that thread on here?

I thought they changed midway through 2013 to all Ex's having the sport brakes now? Am I imagining that thread on here?
No you are not imagining that. There is a post that mentions that change.


I thought they changed midway through 2013 to all Ex's having the sport brakes now? Am I imagining that thread on here?

I can confirm you are correct Sir!

If I remember correctly it was around August/September 2012 change over

So did they change and if yes, are they all the same has the sport...!

I can confirm you are correct Sir!

If I remember correctly it was around August/September 2012 change over

Sgt1411- When are the production months for the Explorer? My '13 Limited had a build date 4/13, thought I read on another thread that somebodys '14 Ex had a build date of 3/13.

Thanks, tinner

August/September of '12 or '13 for the change over

Sgt1411- When are the production months for the Explorer? My '13 Limited had a build date 4/13, thought I read on another thread that somebodys '14 Ex had a build date of 3/13.

Thanks, tinner

August/September of '12 or '13 for the change over

They started to build the 13 model year in July 2012 so I am guessing it was a August/September 2012 change over but I'm not 100% on that

They started to build the 13 model year in July 2012 so I am guessing it was a August/September 2012 change over but I'm not 100% on that

12/03/12 was the changeover date, or Job 2 when XLT's and Limited's received the bigger brakes from the Sport. '13's built prior to that had the smaller rotors and calipers. You can spot the bigger brakes by looking at the front rotors, they will have vents all the way around the rotor hat.

SO RILEY what you are saying is that the 2014 EX has the same rotors as the sport ? i really need to know because i want to buy the rotor cover from mgp.

12/03/12 was the changeover date, or Job 2 when XLT's and Limited's received the bigger brakes from the Sport. '13's built prior to that had the smaller rotors and calipers. You can spot the bigger brakes by looking at the front rotors, they will have vents all the way around the rotor hat.
I'm assuming that is the 12th of March and not the 3rd of December. I truly dislike seeing dates in that format since some companies/people use dd/mm/yy while others use mm/dd/yy. Some government depts here use yy/mm/dd.


I'm assuming that is the 12th of March and not the 3rd of December. I truly dislike seeing dates in that format since some companies/people use dd/mm/yy while others use mm/dd/yy. Some government depts here use yy/mm/dd.


If the 13s started in July of 2012, then job 2 would have to be after that so I'm assuming it was mm/dd/yy or Dec 3rd, 2012.

SO RILEY what you are saying is that the 2014 EX has the same rotors as the sport ? i really need to know because i want to buy the rotor cover from mgp.

Yes the 2014 XLT, Limited and Sport use the same rotors.

Riley but what about calipers

So did the rims also change to 18" or do 17" fit with the new calipers and rotors?

So did the rims also change to 18" or do 17" fit with the new calipers and rotors?
Just want to add that a member's dealer was able to fit the Ford steel 17" wheel on her new Sport.
I don't know if it will fit the PI. I'm guessing you may need the 18" ones but I'll let someone with actual knowledge on that answer.
BTW, I run 17" Winter wheels on my Limited and keeping fingers crossed they will fit a 2015 as well.

