2014 XLT Explorer MFT Sync Entertainment Issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2014 XLT Explorer MFT Sync Entertainment Issue


April 29, 2014
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2014 Explorer XLT
Hello Everyone,

Just trying to get some advise as to how I can make my entertainment unit back up and running without the use of a service department. I've been reading and seeing that the system is still buggy, but then again people have been rebooting their MFT to work.

I was wondering if anyone experience losing their entertainment section on the MFT. I am able to use navi and climate but entertainment gives me an error saying to contact manufacture or some crap.

I did a master reset on the system itself and i just lost all info, addresses, phonebook but never fixed the problem. Some advise from you all would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Disconnect battery for 10 minutes. If that doesn't work try the delayed reboot from the "MFT Acting up? Try this" sticky.

The battery disconnect?

The battery disconnect?

Yes battery disconnected for 5 min. I just didn't want to take time off on a Monday from work to drop the car off the dealer. Next time it happens I'm bringing it in for sure.

Unless it completely dies the service dept won't be able to help. Mostly likely caused by the software. Not much anyone, including your dealer, can do until new software is released.

Our F-150 did this earlier today. After resetting system, phone, disconnecting battery and after 30 minutes it finally resumed normal functionality. On the F-150 forum a member described it as de-fragging the computer. I wasn't driving it but apparently these types of things can happen. It was a first for us and annoying.

Has anyone experienced this more than one time?

Hello Everyone,

Just trying to get some advise as to how I can make my entertainment unit back up and running without the use of a service department. I've been reading and seeing that the system is still buggy, but then again people have been rebooting their MFT to work.

I was wondering if anyone experience losing their entertainment section on the MFT. I am able to use navi and climate but entertainment gives me an error saying to contact manufacture or some crap.

I did a master reset on the system itself and i just lost all info, addresses, phonebook but never fixed the problem. Some advise from you all would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Our F-150 did this earlier today. After resetting system, phone, disconnecting battery and after 30 minutes it finally resumed normal functionality. On the F-150 forum a member described it as de-fragging the computer. I wasn't driving it but apparently these types of things can happen. It was a first for us and annoying.

Has anyone experienced this more than one time?

I'm glad it's working for you now, xexplorerx and AZmom, but what exactly happened to your Entertainment sections?


The F-150 had the entertainment and phone disappear from the screen, as if they were never there. The quads were there, just blank. Then yesterday for a half hour, the time never changed. It remained 5:23 AM for a half hour. When attempting to reset the time, it then corrected itself. However it wouldn't change as it should with each passing minute. By that time, already at work so shut it off. Due to our severe weather never bothered looking on the way home...so I can update later.

Hope that helps!

I'm glad it's working for you now, xexplorerx and AZmom, but what exactly happened to your Entertainment sections?


Basically, I picked up my daughter from daycare and when I got in the car to start engine and listen to music, the screen gave me a 911 assist warning of some sort. Stating that I entertainment portion is not available at the time. I can use the navigation and climate but I was unable to select the entertainment portion of the unit. Bluetooth calling was not working either. Actually, no sounds were coming out of the speaker.

So I gave it a few days before I even posted and maybe it was just a glitch at some point...but no....lol....I was without music at all. My daughter likes to dance with her music and without it, it be crazy driving around hearing her cry (she's 1.3 yrs old).

When you click on the sound power button, it would not make any sound at all like it use to.

The other thing I hate, I contacted the dealer Friday and hoping to get a Saturday schedule but lucky me, they had scheduled me on a Monday. Honestly who would take the time off on a Monday to fix a car that's about 3 months old? Monday is not a good day for me, work wise and attitude wise. :)

Ford needs to get this right. Pulling the negative out is really not a solution. I would not want to drive to Las Vegas for 4 hours and stop on the side of the road to pull a negative terminal jut so that my family could enjoy the music and the drive. :(

Thank you both for your updates!

The F-150 had the entertainment and phone disappear from the screen, as if they were never there. The quads were there, just blank. Then yesterday for a half hour, the time never changed. It remained 5:23 AM for a half hour. When attempting to reset the time, it then corrected itself. However it wouldn't change as it should with each passing minute. By that time, already at work so shut it off. Due to our severe weather never bothered looking on the way home...so I can update later.

Hope that helps!

Did your clock correct itself after the storms were over?

Basically, I picked up my daughter from daycare and when I got in the car to start engine and listen to music, the screen gave me a 911 assist warning of some sort. Stating that I entertainment portion is not available at the time. I can use the navigation and climate but I was unable to select the entertainment portion of the unit. Bluetooth calling was not working either. Actually, no sounds were coming out of the speaker.

So I gave it a few days before I even posted and maybe it was just a glitch at some point...but no....lol....I was without music at all. My daughter likes to dance with her music and without it, it be crazy driving around hearing her cry (she's 1.3 yrs old).

When you click on the sound power button, it would not make any sound at all like it use to.

The other thing I hate, I contacted the dealer Friday and hoping to get a Saturday schedule but lucky me, they had scheduled me on a Monday. Honestly who would take the time off on a Monday to fix a car that's about 3 months old? Monday is not a good day for me, work wise and attitude wise. :)

Ford needs to get this right. Pulling the negative out is really not a solution. I would not want to drive to Las Vegas for 4 hours and stop on the side of the road to pull a negative terminal jut so that my family could enjoy the music and the drive. :(

Please let me know how your dealership visit goes.


No, the F-150 is my daily driver as the Explorer has to be parked for 45 days- different issue (complicated and dealing with Ford).

I'm experiencing it with and without storms. The MFT is giving me fits- between the clock, the system not showing the phone....sigh. I have reset it, re-syncing my phone, shut off truck and disconnected battery.... I would take over the Mustang, but heels and a stick shift are an interesting combination. So once the Explorer situation is dealt with, I will take the truck in. My sanity is running thin...who needs sanity- I have kids...:eek:

LOL! Heels and a stick are no good for me either, and I don't think our children will give us our sanity back until they move out of the house. ;) I think a dealer visit is definitely in order for your F-150; let me know when you get your Explorer back and take the truck in.

