2020 Explorer Sync 3 Audio Off | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2020 Explorer Sync 3 Audio Off

Anyone has any feedback as to what the issue was? And what needs to be done to fix?

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It doesn't appear that any solution has been posted and the original poster doesn't seem to be around any longer. He was last seen here on May 12, 2022.


My 2020 Explorer Limited is doing the same exact thing with the radio not working... what ended up being the solution?
Hello! This just happened to mines. Any solution?

Please is there a solution to this issue? My 2020 Ford Explorer Sync 3.4 just updated to build 23188 and the audio is not working.

Have you tried doing a master reset?

Please is there a solution to this issue? My 2020 Ford Explorer Sync 3.4 just updated to build 23188 and the audio is not working.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
This is the first such report I've read about audio loss after the upgrade so there are no previous reports to go by regarding a solution.


Please is there a solution to this issue? My 2020 Ford Explorer Sync 3.4 just updated to build 23188 and the audio is not working.
This happened to me last month. Took it to the dealer. They had to replace the Audio Control Module. It took about a week to get the part in. Hope this helps. It was covered under the extended warranty.

This issue just popped up on my 2020 Limited yesterday. I was driving down the road and I adjusted the temperature. As soon as I touched the temp toggle the audio stopped. Now it just says "Audio off" no matter how many times you hit the physical or touch button. I first tried turning off the vehicle and turning it back on. Nothing. I then went nuclear immediately and did a factory reset. This resulted in a permanent black screen. I was luckily able to do the POWER + SEEK RIGHT for 10 seconds trick to get it to come back online, but still "AUDIO OFF".

I guess off to the dealer I go...

Dealer charged me 200 bucks to fix the issue. Said warranty didn't cover it because no parts were replaced. Two weeks later it happened again. $1,200 bucks to replace the ACM. Warranty does not cover it.


**** Ford.

Recalls are issued for 'Safety' related issues.

