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20's and Nitrous

Here are some pics of my truck with 20 inch cobra r replicas and Nitrous Express.




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lookin' good their soldier! :thumbsup:

Looks Sweet man....I really like the sun blingin off the rear wheel in the second pic.:D

What is Nitrous Express?

Originally posted by X-factor
What is Nitrous Express?

A company just like NOS, ZEX, or Edelbrock.

Any pics of how you mounted the bottle, solenoids, and switch?

ive seen those pics before, and i just realized your purging in the top and bottom pics. :D

Exactly what I'm saying- he says 20" Cobra & Nitrous Express. I see the 20" Cobra but where the hell was this Nitrous Express. I thought maybe they came up with a new name for billet grille. :D

Nice work ;)

Looks good, I really want to see those 20" cobras in person. Maybe Ill get to see them in the next meet.

Nice truck! Did you lower it any? Have you thought about removing the side steps?


Removing the running boards would leave about 50 holes in the side of the truck. You would need to get a set of the factory side skirts or if you're really lucky and have the cash, some saleen ones. I painted mine the same color as the truck and it really helps them blend in while still making the truck look lower.

Yeah, I like the look of the factory running boards on the Explorers. It does make it look a little lower, it would be nice to paint them boady color.

yea i wanted to paint everything the same color, but im thinking if i get extra cash later on i wanna ask some of these shops in houston to see if they can make a custom body kit for me. after that i might as well just get a new paintjob. either silver or midnight blue. but thats just a thought not a for sure thing.

oh and yea i did lower it. we could only get 2 1/2 out the front and 2 in the back. cant really tell anymore since the wheels gonna gave it a little lift back up. but if i hadnt lowered it then my truck would be sitting two inches higher and wouldnt look right.

nice x. are u anywhere near clear lake, cuz if you are then Ive seen you.

hhmm the last time ive been to clear lake was last year when i didnt have the wheels. the closest these days ive been to clear lake is 45 south and the beltway. maybe somewhere else....

yea maybe.......maybe i saw u houston....i alwayz drive on 45....but i swear i saw that X drivin down South Shore

south shore??? naw i dunno where that is...im up way by 45 north...maybe on westhimer or beltway or somein...

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where did you get the wheels?
