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With a 2"TT, AZ Shackles, and 32 x 11.50's ¿What kind of flex can I expect? None at all? More than before? What is the deal. I want some flex but I want tires and up off the ground more than anything. If I do this, will I improve my flex greatly if later I add a 2"BL?

Anyone there?

¿Or is everyone out wheeling?

Take the front bumper off... go to home depot with the bolts and rig something up with thick washers to space it out a little (i had to do that when i did my BL because a piece of metal was in the way and kept the bumper from fitting flush)

should cost less than $10

This is one of those things that you're going to have to trust yourself and just dive in, none of us can tell you exactly what you need to buy to do it, but it can be done. Just take the bumper off- see how it connects.. and let us knw what you come up with so we can pat ya on the back on doing a good job. ;)

Thanks Sk1er 17

Yeah, you are right. The I just didn't know if someone had a similar experience. The problem is I have the newer style bumper (and I really like it) Ya know, the one that has the two side chrome pieces Fatter (taller wen measured from bottom to top) with the fog lights built in it (IT the bumper). If I space it out, ¿Will that affect my air bag sensors?
