3m Rear Bumper Protection Film | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3m Rear Bumper Protection Film


Well-Known Member
July 14, 2011
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Fairfield, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 AWD Limited
I've seen threads about the clear rear bumper film from 3M, can any one provide some insite or availability of were to purchase this product? Thanks

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Most high end window tint shop will have it. Its expensive but worth it but it doesn't stop the ding in the bumper or any where !!

I've seen threads about the clear rear bumper film from 3M, can any one provide some insite or availability of were to purchase this product? Thanks

I bought mine from xpel and they sent me a set of 3. I installed 1 and still have 2 left. If you want 1 piece I can sell you one at cost + shipping.

Sounds good, do you have pictures of the install, trying to decide between the clear or the actual black Matt.

Anyone here know how much it would cost to buy and have installed?

Also, would car wash's cause this film to shift or move?

Sounds good, do you have pictures of the install, trying to decide between the clear or the actual black Matt.

cool, you can't see the install but I will snap some pics for you as it is "clear" and my EX is white. It is pretty much like the clear bra in the front.

Anyone here know how much it would cost to buy and have installed?

Also, would car wash's cause this film to shift or move?

It is very easy to install, probably 10 minutes for me to do it. But I have done a lot of protection firm install so if it is your first time, I'd say 30 minutes max.

It cost me $80 @ Xpel, but again they sent me 3 pieces so if less then $30 for 1. Car wash would not affect it at all if installed correctly.

PM me if you have more questions.

I ordered my kit from these guys:
Fairly easy to install just need to be patient, but then again I have exp with tint before and it goes on the same way. Had it on since about May and no issues, once down it sticks comes off with a little muscle pulling. I went this route vs the black protector form Ford which I felt wouldn't look good on a Silver Ex.
