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Photos 3rd gen pic's

the truck looks good wheelin' cant wait to see how it looks with the trim painted.

also how do you like the 5k lo beams? I just ordered a set bc my 6ks were turning two different colors and Im hoping the 5k are more white and less blue than the 6 were.

I really like the 5k, I've only had them in a few days now, but im really happy I went with thr 5. They are really white, maybe a tiny hint of blue. But more white than anything. The visibility with them in is amazing as well. I put sylvania silverstars in my factory fogs before the hids, and I thought those were white until I got those in. now the sylvanias look yellow. Still really like the end result.

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wheelin'explorer said:
Where did you pick up your tow hooks? and how did you mount them with your brushguard? You have/know of a write up on installing them with the hunter guard?

eBay. You're not the first person to ask me about it. The only way it'll work is with a body lift. I'll write one up in detail with some pictures. Keep an eye out for it tomorrow afternoon.

Duplicate post. Stupid iPhone.

Before :


Lol yeah I know right!! And I actually didnt use krylon..I had a can of ACE brand black gloss laying around so I tried it out on there and its awesome!! scratch resistant and all.

Hey I love that grill Protector, how much is that?

Looks good TJ!

Got a little dirty the other day.

Your tires seem a lot bigger than stock. Also do you have a wheel spacer since they look a little wider too :eek:

I really love how your wheels look compared to mine. Mine look like sedan wheels lol

Saik said:
Your tires seem a lot bigger than stock. Also do you have a wheel spacer since they look a little wider too :eek:

I really love how your wheels look compared to mine. Mine look like sedan wheels lol

Yeah they kinda do. My tires stand just a hair over 33" tall. I've also got 2" wheel spacers to push them out a bit. I love that it's got a MUCH wider stance now. It looks really aggressive. It also handles much better now through turns and such.

Finally got a few more ponies under the hood.

Installed intake plenum to complement my larger throttle body. What a nice clean crisp throttle response. My mpg increased my 2 around town. Henson tune i right around the corner!





fedyfedz said:
Finally got a few more ponies under the hood.

Installed intake plenum to complement my larger throttle body. What a nice clean crisp throttle response. My mpg increased my 2 around town. Henson tune i right around the corner!

That's sexy. Details? I'd love to do the same.

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That's sexy. Details? I'd love to do the same.

This will only work with the v8 only and before the driveby wire was introduced. This one that i ordered is from stack racing, it was cheaper than the port and polished one.

The thing i like about both of these is there are both plug-n-play direct bolt ons.

The plenum i ordered was for the 4.6l mustang which does not have 2 pcv valves, so it was missing a hole for the brake vacumm booster. They sell one by trick flow with the correct opening. I simply removed one pcv valve and inserted an air breather, and routed brake booster. Both mods took less than an hour.

With the throttle body you will have to adjust your throttle cable with some zip ties down by the pedals.

Both pieces are 70mm which is 2mm more than stock.
