4.0 SOHC to 4.0 swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 SOHC to 4.0 swap


New Member
January 1, 2011
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City, State
Middle Georgia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Mountaineer
Hello everyone, I have a 1998 Mountaineer with a 4.0 sohc and Auto trans which has jumped timeing.

I bought a totalled 1998 Explorer with a 4.0 (non sohc) and And 5 speed.

I want to swap the good (non sohc) engine in to the mountainer.

I`d like to know what components will need to be changed?
Can I leave the AC system sealed up and just bolt the compressor to the new engine?

Do I have to swap:

Computer ?
Engine Harness?


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Yes you can leave the a/c hooked up it will sit right by where it normally is and where the battery goes.
For sure computer and engine harness I would also say transmission I dont think the manual trans engine harness will have any provisions to run the trans and I dont know if it would run the 5 speed anyway. Wont plug up to it anyway. So now your installing the hydro clutch and pedal into a truck.
You probably also have a PATS (passive anti theft system) problem now due to the computer swap, the computer reads the pats key and if the computer and key dont line up well then it dont run. Thats my understanding of the system anyway, maybe that is a swap away from working as well. There are also bypass modules and custom calibrated computers to eliminate PATS, I have a bypass module in my Exploder for the remote starter.

Auto trans radiator will work fine you just wont use the trans cooler portion of it, many like to save the spare.
I dont blame you for wanting to get rid of Fords worst production motor ever but the swap is going to be a PITA over just stabbing another timebomb SOHC in there. Hope it works for ya.

I dont blame you for wanting to get rid of Fords worst production motor ever but the swap is going to be a PITA over just stabbing another timebomb SOHC in there. Hope it works for ya.

Well, that's just sure your foolish opinion. So.......

then you can:

After that,
because, in the end:

Also, if you think the SOHC is Ford's worst motor ever, or really even a bad motor then:

So you should just:

Well, that's just sure your foolish opinion. So.......

Wow, somebody sure loves the piece of $^%* 4.0 SOHC!

I think the timing system on that motor was designed by these guys:


Thanks for the replys, I didnt really make clear what Im wanting to do.

I would like to keep the automatic transmission that is in the Mountaineer
and just swap from the SOHC to the standard 4.0. engine.

In other words: engine swap only (I was planning to re-use the auto trans radiator anyway).

Are you saying that the Computer must be swapped because of the different motor ,but the auto trans will be a problem due to the explorer (donor truck) was a stick shift?

Thanks for the replys, I didnt really make clear what Im wanting to do.

I would like to keep the automatic transmission that is in the Mountaineer
and just swap from the SOHC to the standard 4.0. engine.

In other words: engine swap only (I was planning to re-use the auto trans radiator anyway).

Are you saying that the Computer must be swapped because of the different motor ,but the auto trans will be a problem due to the explorer (donor truck) was a stick shift?

Aint no doubt about it. And you have the 5r55e which never came with the cam in block 4.0.
Cam in block 4.0's had a 4r55.

Aint no doubt about it. And you have the 5r55e which never came with the cam in block 4.0.
Cam in block 4.0's had a 4r55.

The Ford Explorer started using the 5R55E in all Explorers in the 97 model year if I am not mistaken...And the block mounting is the same for the 4.0 liter engines; whether they are ohv or sohc...

I do believe you will need to replace the engine harness, engine sensors, and the PCM but I am not the best source for this info...I would search for sohc to ohv swap and see if others have done this...
