4.10 Gears and AWD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.10 Gears and AWD


Well-Known Member
August 15, 2009
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City, State
Montreal, Quebec
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT 5L AWD
I'm looking for some more get up and go, so I decided to drop the 3.73 gear in my 97 5.0 AWD and go with 4.10s, getting a 31" tire so it won't be a huge gain but better it will be something. I figure when my exploder can do 125mph and still have more to go then it's time for more gear lol.

My question is, I know I can use the mustang 4.10 for the rear, but I've looked all over the place and don't know what to do about the AWD. I've never had an AWD vehicle so I'm assuming I have to change the gear in it?

My MPG shouldn't really be affected in city or highway with stock tires and 4.10s will do better then the 3.73s when I install the 31s.

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You need to have matching gear ratios in the front/rear differentials of course.
I am not really sure if you have the speed sensor in your transfercase or not. If you do you will have to change that as well.



I wouldn't exactly encourage going that fast in these trucks. 125MPH? Yeah, thats real funny.
Glad you don't live near me. It isn't like exploders/mountys are actually setup for speed. Then your going with larger tires with wider sidewalls that allow for more flex. (Do they even make 31 inch tires with the right speed rating??) Couple that with the soft suspension in these trucks and your asking for disaster. Not exactly going to respond too well to high speed corrections, and will eventually end with either you or some innocent bystanders death or serious injury. If you want to go that fast, do the general public a favor and sell your truck and buy yourself a car that is more capable of doing this.

Is it a standard gear? Do I need special gear for the AWD? Yes I am capable of figuring out that I nee the same front and back. Thanks.

Also... I would first like state that I did this at an airport where all they use it for is testing road paint. #2 Never assume, makes you look like a fool when I tell you I have owned 5 mustangs in the last 2 years and currently working on a 97 mustang. Doesn't matter what you own, at high speeds and quick movements, bad usually ensues. I'm currently on stock tires if you read my post and yes they are rated for 120mph. 5mph more and they aren't going to just blow off.. Reading > You.

I'll do what ever I wish in my truck thank you. I obviously took care to do it where no one, other than me, could get hurt. Why buy a motorcycle when your chances of dying is 10 times greater?.....because it's fun, that's why.

And what difference would it make if I'm speeding in this or another car? Since you seem to think I was doing it on a public road, does it really matter what kind of vehicle you use? Not really last time I checked.

I asked a question, not your opinion. Now that you look like a fool..

Can someone tell me how to go about changing gear ratios in a 97 AWD explorer?


If you check www.car-part.com , then yes, the 4:10's are indeed available for this.
The fronts being rare in my area, but they are listed as available.

Dude, take a breath, my post wasn't meant as an attack on you. If you have been on this site for any time at all, you have seen the "I have a 15 year old truck and I want to beat my sisters..brothers..uncles..friends..cousins.. whoevers.. ride, but it doesn't go fast enough.." Accept my aplogy for including you in there, but you theres always a few just like it every day on this forum. Have you tried removing your driveshaft? (don't know if your an AWD or not) Just be aware of the "drifting in park" issue. I have mine out and it seems to pick up better. If you want to keep the 4wheel drive aspect of the truck, you might consider the BW4406 transfercase swap.

As far as Motorcycles go, I have 3 different Harleys myself and much prefer to be on those than stuck in my "cage" SUV.

Accept my aplogy for including you in there, but you theres always a few just like it every day on this forum.

Apology accepted! Sorry, I thought you were attacking me, and I know the people you're talking about, probably why I reacted badly lol.

So that is a 4.10 AWD T-case???? If so that's not so bad, I could get one of those easy off a 98-01 sport. How come they received a 4.10 AWD?

HMMM that 4WD T case swap looks great!!!! But that's a alot of work by the looks of it and probably costs a bit. How long does it take to do the swap??? and how many bugs does it come with??? The wiring to make the 4WD lights work looks like a nightmare....

I was only planning, shackles/TT/AAL,headers, tune, front chrome bush bar (maybe), Tires and gears. Hmmmm.

Save your money on the gears and buy torque monster headers or a computer tune. I made the switch and didn't pick up much at the track, and took a hit in my gas mileage.

Hmmm good to know!!!! not much improvement eh? That sucks! Well it was either gears or a tune next. I hear the tune drops 6 tenths. But I really want some better mpg since 31s are coming.

So that is a 4.10 AWD T-case???? If so that's not so bad, I could get one of those easy off a 98-01 sport. How come they received a 4.10 AWD?

No, the bw4406 isn't an AWD transfercase. Its a 4WD case, manual or electric shifted.
Both the AWD and 4WD transfercases (4wd case in 2HI, or 4HI) have a 1:1 ratio. It just transfers the tourque to the differentials. The gear ratio is within the differentials. The transfercase I referenced (BW4406) would bolt to the back of the AWD transmission(4R70W), but has the added benefit of being able to select between 2 wheel drive, 4HI or 4LO. What you would gain would be the 35% of the tourqe not being sent to your front differential (which is what the AWD transfercase does) when in 2WD, but yet retain the 4wheel drive capability. There are many "how-to" threads on the mod. There is a little "fitting" involved but not alot.
Search "convert V8 AWD to BW4406" there at 5 or 6 good writeups.
This mod isn't exactly what you were asking about, but if your truck is already AWD (or you are planning to make it that way) and want more "pep" it is the way to go, save the computer tune and tourqemonster headers in the previouos post.
The website I referenced is just basically a search engine you could use to source "previously used" parts from junkyards. IE: buy the front and rear differentials with the gear ratio in them already. However, If you wanted to install new ring/pinions to accomplish the 4:10 gear ratio, that won't help you.

To match your original intent of gaining more speed, Techieman33 would know better than I. My truck is bone stock.

I could feel a little gain with the 4.10's, but not nearly as much as the tuner or headers.

If only it weighed 2000 less lol. Well then forget it, just going to get a tune instead. Might look into the 4WD, that looks better evertime I see it. I wonder what the ET would be before and after.
