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If anyone needs a set of 16's I need to get rid of mine. Plus they will look great plasti-dipped:D

I like the tires willied.

My baby the day I brought her home...



Nice Explorer, xj! I like the color.

Lifted, Not Lifted, doesnt matter, Looks Good CME!

Here's a picture of the Explorer hooked up to my boat....


Thanks for the invite to the thread Kingof Socal!

here are a few images of my wifes Explorer


One of the best X's I've seen in a while. :thumbsup:

Nice! How are the Fox coilovers?

Looks nice, Ronin. How is your Advance Trac with the lift?

Looks nice, Ronin. How is your Advance Trac with the lift?

No problems yet. My theory on the Advance Trac issue with the lift is the roll stability sensor gets tripped due to the swaybar being angled downward from stock and allowing more body roll. I think extended swaybar links will fix the issue.

What did you do with the old wheels and grille? Those are my favorite things about the Ironman Edition! :D It looks good, though.

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Thanks! Sold the old wheels and tires to another member, and replaced the oem grille with a bentley style grille off of ebay.

What did you do with the old wheels and grille? Those are my favorite things about the Ironman Edition! :D It looks good, though.
