4x4 ifs knuckle bearing and seal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4x4 ifs knuckle bearing and seal


Elite Explorer
January 27, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
The Pines
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Sport
Hi all. I am replacing the CV shafts and wheel bearings on my 96. In my haste, and IIRC, I completely forgot that there's some sort of seal and bearing inside the knuckle that the shaft rides on.

I'm not finding much on the subject when I search, and was wondering if anyone who has replaced these can weigh in on this...any info would be appreciated; if nothing I am just going to throw the new stuff in the way the old stuff came out and cross my fingers :)

The kit I got off amazon is Timken SBK4:

Amazon product ASIN B000BZAECS

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Hi all. I am replacing the CV shafts and wheel bearings on my 96. In my haste, and IIRC, I completely forgot that there's some sort of seal and bearing inside the knuckle that the shaft rides on.

I'm not finding much on the subject when I search, and was wondering if anyone who has replaced these can weigh in on this...any info would be appreciated; if nothing I am just going to throw the new stuff in the way the old stuff came out and cross my fingers :)

The kit I got off amazon is Timken SBK4:

Amazon product ASIN B000BZAECS
I am assuming you have a 95 or 96 explorer sport Xlt 4x4.
The front wheel bearing is a HUD assembly.
The picture you show, I have no ideal, what it for.
The CV shaft is a assembly.

I am assuming you have a 95 or 96 explorer sport Xlt 4x4.
The front wheel bearing is a HUD assembly.
The picture you show, I have no ideal, what it for.
The CV shaft is a assembly.
The bearing in the amazon ad would sit inside the knuckle and support the shaft inboard of the hub bearing. The seal is to keep the bearing from getting fouled up.

96 4 door xlt 4x4, in this particular case

There is a slinger/ dust shield which the rubber end of cv axle rotates against inside the knuckle, but no bearing inside the knuckle itself. The wheel bearing is a sealed hub unit.

The slinger/ dust shield is listed on rockauto under drive line.

There is a slinger/ dust shield which the rubber end of cv axle rotates against inside the knuckle, but no bearing inside the knuckle itself. The wheel bearing is a sealed hub unit.

The slinger/ dust shield is listed on rockauto under drive line.
Awesome, thanks! I must have mixed it up with something else...I remember my Isuzu box Trooper had them and must have mixed them up.
This getting old stuff is for the birds...

Many of the aftermarket CV axles don't come with the dust shield, but some do. The OEM shafts didn't the one time I got one, but the Trakmotive brand axles did have them. The dust shields are just a ring of steel coated with rubber, which push onto the outer axle housing.

Check them every time you install an axle, they can be moved in or out easily. You want them to ride close to the spindle surface without touching it, there should be a small air gap, it's to keep most debris from reaching the hub bearings.

Many of the aftermarket CV axles don't come with the dust shield, but some do. The OEM shafts didn't the one time I got one, but the Trakmotive brand axles did have them. The dust shields are just a ring of steel coated with rubber, which push onto the outer axle housing.

Check them every time you install an axle, they can be moved in or out easily. You want them to ride close to the spindle surface without touching it, there should be a small air gap, it's to keep most debris from reaching the hub bearings.
The one I got did come with one, which is pretty sweet. I'll keep an eye out when I go to install it. I just dropped her off for a trans rebuild today so hopefully the weather is a little more cooperative and I can bang this out when I get her back...some days they call for 70 and it doesnt even break 40 around here lately.

"Weatherman" is the only job where you can be wrong 100% of the time and still keep your job :)
