I wanna be like Boomin (my Worklog) | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I wanna be like Boomin (my Worklog)

Ok so ive started the transformation, From little 2wd, to Big 2wd. :thumbsup: Got my Bodylift and gears here friday, did the TT, and the Body Lift today. Tommorow the rear axle is coming out, and finish up all the little things left to do for the Body Lift. Chris(Boomin) has been a BIG help in this, ive asked him lots of Questions, and while slow, he always answers them, most the time i bug him hes at work so i understand his slow response. Thanks Chris, doubt i woulda got another explorer if it wasnt for yours. My wheels should be here Monday, than ill go get the tires mounted. Also im waiting for my Spindles to be delivered. So till than the tires cant go on. My tire of Choice was 37x12.50 Goodyear MT/R. I chose this tire mainly cause the Goodyear store is right down the road, i like having road hazzard so i can just do down there and get them to pull and plug a nail hole or w/e. Also they have 6 months no payments, that way i can slowly pay off these expensive tires. If it wasnt for that ide be rolling on some Swampers.

Also the truck i was gunna be using to pick my tires up with is no more, My best friend rolled his truck last night. Somebody cut him off, and he slammed on brakes and hit a curve and rolled it. It had been raining so the roads were wet. :( Luckily he is alive with only a minor cut on his leg

Heres some pics from last night and today, All i did last night was clean the garage up, and get the truck in there.


All pics taken with a Cell Phone Cam, so they arent best quality, for final pics ill have to fine my Digi camera


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Looks good so far homie. When you do an SAS on it eventually, what are you planning on going with for the front?

Robb said:
/me tracks the history of those wheels................

-manufactured somewhere in the world
-make there way to Adam Foote in Kelly, TX (not sure if steps skipped here)
-make there way to Robb in Richmond, Va
-make there way to boomin in Va Beach, Va
-make there way to kid in Winter Haven, Fl

Those wheels probably have more miles in shipping, than being driven!!! :D
Sounds like the old "chrome with black center" 15x10's i had on the green lantern. They were passed around Texarkana on about 5 trucks before i got them, then Trkmagik ran them, now they are on boble86's rig. :D

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well its on all 4, still lots of work to do, mainly welding on rear Spring perches and re attaching all the rear end stuff, i need to also try and find some camber adjusters(hopefully napa has them) and get it alingned..


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stupid camera phones.

good lord man, that camber your ready for the baja, what about taking out the adjustment shims that are prolly between one of the arms and the frame

still a small truck though ;)

Looks badass Caleb. Can't wait to see some GOOD pics of it. :p

PS...if you ever get tired of those big 37s, I'll be happy to make the ride down there to pick em up from you. :D

Heres day time pics, still got lots to do today. Plus i think im gunna lift it another 2 -3" but if i do that, ill need to extend my D-shaft, so im gunna see if i cant find a spacer, or see how much it will cost to extend..


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Now its mostly done...

Still some little stuff to take care of..


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now I feel short. How much rubbing? I have NONE with my 35's on 15x10s. How is the flex with those tires in the rear?

Would you PLEASE go to the damn drug store, buy a disposable camera, take some pics, and get a disc developed with the pics!!!!


ok now after examining the pics you need the trailmaster 4'' lift kit still so you can have some clearance

yeah you need perrys

I <3 Caleb.

Yeah, that was gay. :p Truck looks great man.

is it me, or is there something a medium blue behind those wheels in the last few pics

common caleb, lemme break out the airsaw, ill do some beautiful trimming of the body

boominXplorer said:
now I feel short. How much rubbing? I have NONE with my 35's on 15x10s. How is the flex with those tires in the rear?

after some very MINOR trimming, i have none at normal driving, now if i was to hit a pot hole or flex it at the right angle it would rub, the trimming is only in the front and not even noticable, Ill find my digi cam tonight and get some si quality pics along with some of the trimming.

Hows the flex in the rear? well right now it sucks, i will not stuff without major trimming, since this is a street queen, i dont want to cut, and really dont need to.

Im thinking of going up another 2" Longer T-bolts and either shackles or AALs in the rear.

I love this thing now!

Thanks for the comments guys... Yes ill make a new avatar later, unless someone wants to go ahead and resize a pic for me....

wow! that really looks great, what is your mpg with the 37's?

95offroadx said:
wow! that really looks great, what is your mpg with the 37's?

Not sure, havent used a full tank yet.... From looking at the gas gauge and the miles ive driven, 50, its still on the F, looks like i havent lost taht much gas milage.

With the 4.88s im within 30rpms of my 3.73s and old tires. Only thing left to hurt me is the rolling resistance of the bigger tires, And in all honestly, it doesnt feel like ive lost any power, off the line or anything.

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i was thinkin bout 37's and 5.13 gears, but then gas went up, soo ill wait to see what your mpg is then decide
