5.0 engine squeak: Not the belt! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 engine squeak: Not the belt!

Cam positioner chirp

UPDATE: It's now February 3, 2011, and not a PEEP from the formerly squeaky cam positioner shaft. The 3-In-1 sewing machine oil seems to have done the trick!


Ok, now April 28, 2011, and the chirp is back. Time for some more oil!


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Mobil SHC 007 Pumpable Grease for Camshaft Position Sensors

Ok, now April 28, 2011, and the chirp is back. Time for some more oil!


I would highly reccommend a pumpable grease like Mobil SHC 007 for a job like that... See if you can get some as a sample from the local Mobil Oil distributor. I'm going to try some on my 1999 5.0 this weekend. this grease is thicker than gear lube clings and climbs when rotated, and lasts forever.


Cam synchronizer chirp

Update, May 2012

Well, things are looking good, knock on wood! A few months ago, I put some mid-weight grease under the sensor, near the synchronizer shaft, and haven't hear a peep from it in many miles / months.

Don't replace, lubricate!

San Diego

Very cool, I'll do that for my next engine.

Now I have to find that little tool in my stuff.

What holds the sensor on? And can the sensor be taken on and off without causing problems?

It has two small bolts there.

What holds the sensor on? And can the sensor be taken on and off without causing problems?

Yes, like the prior poster says, two very small bolts on the top. The sensor is black and can be removed from the aluminum housing, no problem. You just don't want to remove the aluminum housing and its shaft from the engine...you would have to retime it.


I've had a chirping noise developing over the last few weeks and I was going to lube it to see if it the unit that's squeeking. I also see there a few things that need removing to change the entire unit.

I guess the lubrication does work, at least temporarily. I put about a tablespoon of lithium grease down inside and the chirp is gone. Hopefully it stays gone.

granted Ive known mine had this issue for a while now. Sprayed some WD40 just on and around it. Squeek stopped at idle. Still screams once the revs are up. Just thought Id see what it does. My guess is a seal there went bad and the mud and water and dirt got inside. But no big loss, I see the part listed for $30 on summit. Ill probably get the motorcraft, though I havent seen a price listed for it. 205k, appears to still have the stock unit.

granted Ive known mine had this issue for a while now. Sprayed some WD40 just on and around it. Squeek stopped at idle. Still screams once the revs are up. Just thought Id see what it does. My guess is a seal there went bad and the mud and water and dirt got inside. But no big loss, I see the part listed for $30 on summit. Ill probably get the motorcraft, though I havent seen a price listed for it. 205k, appears to still have the stock unit.

The part which squeaks is the synchronizer, try $110+ from Ford, online.

Mystery squeak

I have the same suspicious squeak coming from my 302. I'm going to try the grease thing tonight. Thanks!

I tried some grease at first, but I'm pretty sure it was too heavy. I just took the cam sensor off again and poured a cap full of transmission fluid in...seems to have worked.

My wife's '99 5.0 just developed a nasty screech (215k miles on it) and I stumbled across this thread...

I pulled the sensor off and sprayed some Tri Flow in there... noise is gone and she is happy, happy, happy for now

still going. ..

Its been almost a year and mine is still squeak free.

amazing.... I just bought a 2000 EB 5.0 which had a squeak, tried replacing the belt which made no difference... then I found this thread, took the two bolts off the sensor, poured 1/2 cap of transmission fluid into the synchronizer and it's quiet as can be! I know it's an old thread - but still helpful! Much easier than replacing the whole thing! Thanks for pioneering this trick and sharing.
