5.0 Exhaust Thread | Page 16 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 Exhaust Thread

Best exhaust for modded 5.0 Explorer-Mountaineer

  • Dual exit with flowmaster-

    Votes: 162 41.2%
  • Dual exit with thrush turbo

    Votes: 27 6.9%
  • Single exit 70 series 2.5" tailpipe-rear cats removed

    Votes: 53 13.5%
  • Single exit with 3" tailpipe-rear cats removed

    Votes: 81 20.6%
  • Other--please specify in post

    Votes: 70 17.8%

  • Total voters

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Thinking about putting a new muffler for a more aggressive sound on the '97 5.0L EB.

Looking at flowmaster 40 or 50 series. Would I lose anything going to the 40 series? I have a dual in single out, but the 40 series is a single in single out. Not sure if that'd be a great idea. Also looking into the 50 series, seen the dual in and single out, but just want to make sure which ones better before dropping money into it. Any help would be great as of this point.

I have a 97 explorer with the 5.0 in it and im trying to decide on what kind of exhaust to put on it. i was thinkin about running true dual straights and wanted to know what i should do to it. Suggestions?

wow almost to raspy for me... but not to bad of sound.

Try listening to this one. This is how my set up sounds with the exhaust caps closed

The current setup

The setup with the manual exhaust dumps racing

wow almost to raspy for me... but not to bad of sound.

yeah it is a little raspy but thats just what i like....thats the nice thing about a exhaust it can sound however you want it....me personally, not a flowmaster person but tekman yours sounds pretty decent....i gotta get the girlfriend to vid some of me on the gas thats when it shines...im also just looking at the long run when the 331 goes in...plus believe it or not the drone isnt nearly anything as bad as the thrush glasspacks out the side i had...that was annoying after the first 3 days

Here is a video I just shot with the flowmaster in place with a tail pipe


Wow, that's quick! I was looking at your specs and what is the Henson tune?

Thanks. Do you know if all the tunes require a higher octane? I have a set of TM headers being made now and want to get the most out of them. Any one try the G-force chip that is being advertised on this sit?

Thanks. Do you know if all the tunes require a higher octane? I have a set of TM headers being made now and want to get the most out of them. Any one try the G-force chip that is being advertised on this sit?

Not all tunes require premium (I have an 87 and 89 tune too). High octane tunes are most effective is all.

G-Force is garbage. In the tuning game you get what you pay for. Most of us use SCT based tuning for a reason. Henson is a SCT vendor.

I have TM Headers too.

Posted via Mobile Device

Yeah go with SCT. It's also the most widely used tuner so if you're ever in the dyno shop more than likely they'll use it too to calibrate your vehicle. I also use an SCT device on my mustang.

Kind of disappointed with the sound from the camera, it's a lot louder in person


I watched this last night and I could tell that it's louder than the camera is giving it credit for. Honestly if Mac had a Dual In/ Dual Out muffler I would have gone with this. This muffler would sound even better with a Cam in the truck :)

love how I ordered the mac catback and then was refunded my money becuase they couldnt make one, ended up getting a gibson catback for almost 500 bones( learned my lesson) and it sounds like this, it sounds good in cabin though.
Gibson Catback Exhaust 97 5.0
Inside sound
Parking lot Winter fun
let me know what you all think
Maybe my kitty needs let out if you catch my drift

sorry im a new guy...how many cats does a 5.0 explorer have and how many resonators does it have if any?? has anyone ever had a no cat no resonators single exit magnaflow or another muffler exhaust??

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They came with 4 cats. 2 rear and 2 upstream with oxygen sensors monitoring them. There was one resonator and one muffler. Check my youtube channel for videos demonstrating my setup. http://www.youtube.com/user/TekMan05?feature=mhum

I removed the rear cats with a dual in/out Flowmaster muffler with 2.5'' piping back. Also where the cats are is galvanized piping in its place with caps I can have on or off. It adds more of a nasty louder sound getting it closer to a open headers sound. Eventually I may have to modify the dumps when I plan on installing high flow cats in the front and an X-pipe somewhere ralong the mid pipe area.
