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5.0L Headers

I am in, but like everyone in this thread, it depends on price and features. I'm NA so shorties would be a-ok, but I'm doing a complete exhaust system anyway so long tubes would be best!!!

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I contacted Gibson a while back. They said they do plan on making headers for 5.0's. They just didn't have a timeline yet, this was 4 or 5 months ago.
Maybe everyone should start flooding their e-mail servers. ;) sales@gibsonperformance.com


Guys it will probably be a while before anyone has a set of longtubes for these trucks. I got back to making mine this weekend and There is just no room. With the starter and A/C box on RHS and the steering shaft on the LHS, not to mention the trans, it is really tight. I am using the engine / frame setup you can see on my picture page. I just hope I don't hit the A/C box or the dash panel when I am complete (as they are not in my jig.).

Anyway, the biggest problem is going to be getting them on the truck. I think I will need to either remove the engine or at least heads to get them in. Otherwise, I could always pull the cab to fit them. With that said, no company is going to try to mass produce headers than need that kind of work to install - nobody would buy them. (well at least very few).

For my project, I went and bought 2 sets of 1 5/8" Flowtech mustang headers from Summit. These were ~$100 a pair and are 16 guage steel. I will make the headers then send off for JetHot coating inside and out to try and reduce engine compartment heat. I hoped to have them near complete by now, but it looks like it will be a while yet.

5.0 headers

Count me in. Considering the estimate to replace one side, I'd just as well replace both with something better constructed than the OEM tibes. There seems to be a hole in my passenger side exhaust manifold. I have noticed a slight pfffft-ing under acceleration. Such a leak was verified when VA state safety inspection performed the ol' block the tailpipe test. Having failed the inspection, VA requires the problem to be fixed within 15 days. Dealer estimate comes in at $850 with $425 being just the part cost of the right side manifold!

Sheet metal engineering on exhaust manifolds may be the final reason not to invest in a Ford product again. I still have not addressed the broken blend door problem which got me fairly pissed off a few months ago.

Could this be a weekend driveway project with a salvage yard replacement manifold??? Any suggestions????

The headers in a 5.0 are pretty darn easy to get to/change. Take out the inner fender lining.. and remove the tire. You're good to go. I'd plan about 2hrs per side to be safe.

Man.. I still can't believe they stopped making headers. Where's the sense in that?? :(

The fender well and tire are obvoiusly no problem. Its the heavily rusted manifold bolts which look to be stubborn. What about the AC? I've recently learned that the Haynes manual states that the AC needs to be removed before accessing the manifold to pipe flange.

Originally posted by wlederle
The fender well and tire are obvoiusly no problem. Its the heavily rusted manifold bolts which look to be stubborn. What about the AC? I've recently learned that the Haynes manual states that the AC needs to be removed before accessing the manifold to pipe flange.

Nope. I've installed headers a few times on V8 Explorers. No A/C removal or anything. My bolts were always fairly easy to remove too. Just make sure you have plenty of different length extensions and some of those trick 90 degree elbow deals. :D

Here's a couple pics so you can see just how explosed the headers are with the well clear. The come-along makes it easy to install FMS headers because they are a little (3/8") longer than the stock manifolds and with one person it is tough to hold the collector back to install the headers.


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Ok. That makes it a little less daunting considering the AC can remain un-disturbed. So the burning question is: where on earth can I find a set of FMS's??? Would a salvage yard save an exhaust manifold when yanking a motor?

They are on ebay all the time. I actually think someone is selling some in the FOR SALE TRADE WANTED section here.

the longtubes on TROLL are very nice and fit like a glove. When I was over though he said the guy that mad them would never make them that cheap again because they were a pain in the a$$. It can be done but its $1000 plus everywhere i look.

I emailed ssheaders again and still no response.

I have been looking hard for a 5.0 X to buy and I find that most are 4.0’s. Originally I thought that there would be a lot more of a need for headers for these vehicles but I am beginning to be less optimistic, seeing there are a lot fewer of them. I wonder how many 5.0’s are out there?

tmsko, thanks for you’re info on making some long tube stang headers fit. Being short of time that option will not work for me, plus I do not have a jig. Also comparing short tube stang headers to a picture of FMS Explorer headers, there is a lot of difference so converting those would be time consuming.

If all goes well I should pick up a 5.0 this weekend and I guess that I will have stock manifolds on it until I get some more time or some company makes a set. Maybe I will find a set of FMS on ebay.

I will post if ssheaders gets back to me.

just wanted to add myself to this discussion as i have a 5.0X and may be interested in headers.


I've got a 5.0 and I am still very interested in FMS or custom headers since I want to replace my single flowmaster with a true dual exhaust as well as get rid of those 4 stock cats for 2 high flow ones! We've got to keep exploring all options for this. We have at least 15 people in this thread and more in the forum that would probably buy 5.0 headers, it's just a matter of who wants the $ for the effort...:rolleyes:

After making further progress last night, it looks like I will need to make a 4-tube flange set for the drivers side header, to split it in two, just under theoil pan. If I don't do this, the only way I can install them is if I pull my engine. I will post some more pictures when I get back to it, but it will sit idle until next week.

Looks like a decent set of short tubes is the best option. I may look to build those later, after I complete these long tubes.

blk mk8 mentioned a few months ago about maybe producing a nice big short tube set if enough were interested. i think we have enough here interested. ;)

Yea, a reply from ssheaders. This is a reply to my email asking what the price would be.

We can't give you a price until we see the vehicle and figure out what amount of material and work is involved in these headers. Ball park might be in the $400 range without ceramic coating.

I'd go in on it. Mine came with the cast iron manifold "header." Strangest exhaust manifold I've ever seen in terms of shape and position.

BTW, is it true that some came with stainless steel headers from the factory (like the Mustang)? I've heard that on previous threads.

Yes, the original explorers had stainless tubular manifolds. The cast iron manifolds were new in 1999 or 2000. I am suprized you have them on a 1998. Is there any chance they were replaces and one time?

I am the second owner, so I guess it is possible. Why would Ford "advance" to cast iron? Don't the ss headers flow better than an iron manifold?

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The material of the manifold has very little to do with flow. Flow is more to do with inside diameter of the passages. If the cast manifolds are the same or bigger, they could flow as well or better than the tubular.

As for why did Ford advance to cast iron. I am not sure, but my number one guess would be cash dollars! Imagine all the work involved in cutting and welding up individual tubes vs. pouring a casting. Big cost save in that change.

Now, as for these $400 headers, JUMP ON IT. I have $200 into mine already and that was just to buy two sets of headers to cut up for the bends. I will still end up buying some more tubing and flanges. Then my time. I will probably have ~40 hours into them when done. I have never made headers before, but there is alot of time fitting, tacking in place, breaking off, refitting, etc.. For $400 that is a bargain. Just be carefull that he take his time to do it right. There is very little room in there, thus not much room for air flow. You don't want you truck to burn to the ground due to your new headers.
