6spd manual conversion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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6spd manual conversion


Active Member
August 14, 2008
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home= Burlington, NC + school= Appalachian State
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 FX2 Sport
i wanna get another gear for cruising on the highway has anyone put a 6spd in their explorer, does anyone have some info about it.
I have an '02 sport 5spd manual 4.0L SOHC

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Wow. That would be quite a swap. Lot's of T56 variations out there...but none for a 4WD if that's what you have. If it's a 2WD, it's an interesting possibility. McLeod clutches makes an adapter set up to adapt a lot of different scenarios...including the shifter location

By the way, you will have thousands in this.

If it's fuel mileage your concerned about, it would probably be easier to just swap to a lower gear in the diff (or diffs if your 4WD) but then you'll lose the initial take off.

Are you trying for better fuel mileage? Just curious as to why you want the 6th gear.


I like the whole concept. Six gears allows you to have a constant near perfect ratio. By sticking in a low rear end ratio you end up losing power, and making the engine work even harder to accelerate, and towing would be weaker. With six gears you can have the same or even better towing ability, plus a better highway cruise RPM.

On my 350Z the six gears are spread perfectly, so that you get 30 mph out of each gear before hitting redline. That would change according to the tire size and rear gear etc, but same scenario.

I've looked into this a little bit and your best bet would probably be a T56 trans. like Cobraguy said because there are tons of variations. Another possibility would be a six speed trans. that is put behind some of the Australian Ford cars that have 4.0L engines. Although I think one of the Aussies confirmed that their Australian 4.0L engines are different than ours and have a different bolt pattern so that probably wouldn't work. Of course then there is the problem of actually getting one.

I have an '02 sport 5spd manual 4.0L SOHC

He already has a manual, The super duty transmission is probably to big to be used but it is also a 6spd.

1).mine is a 2wd
2).i want to get better highway milage and keep my takeoff power
3).the ausie 4.0 is an inline 6

i think a t56 would be my best bet. this will have to be a summer project because of school. when i travel home to school i hit the 100 mph govenor mark which in 5th gear is ok but still uses more gas than i like
i was lookin into this and saw on a new 4.0 mustang someone did a tr6060, i think
just wondering what i'm getting into and trying to plan alot ahead so when i start i can get it done

Just noticed your in my neighborhood, :wavey:

Sounds like an intensely expensive project to save gas $ while doing 100 mph :confused:

yeah i'm in burlington for christmas break where that guy needs you to do a lift lol

do ya'll think a zf-6 trans from an f-series 99-03 might fit and work or is it a big difference because its for a diesel
it also came off a 2wd its on craig's list so i don't know the quality but its a good price

do ya'll think a zf-6 trans from an f-series 99-03 might fit and work or is it a big difference because its for a diesel
it also came off a 2wd its on craig's list so i don't know the quality but its a good price

Get your BFH out. That is one huge transmission. I wouldn't consider it myself. That's if you can find a way to bolt it up.

I wouldn't consider a T56 a small trans by any means either. But you have a much better chance of screwing that in than the ZF series.
