'91 XLT tranny help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'91 XLT tranny help!


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January 12, 2009
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'91 XLT
Hi everyone, great site you guys have here.

My dad has a '91 Explorer XLT (4.0L) & reverse on the auto tranny has stopped working. It'll shift into any of the other forward gears w/out problem but it won't work into reverse. The truck is in great shape other than that & we'd like to fix it if at all possible.

I figure I ask knowledgeable enthusiasts before I take it to any tranny shop & get charged an arm & a leg to have it rebuilt or put a new one in. Does anybody sell a rebuild kit for this transmission & how difficult is this tranny to work on?

Thanks in advance.

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Welcome to this forum! You have an A4LD 4 speed automatic. The rear low/reverse band controls low, and reverse gear settings. Do you have manual 1st gear? Do you have 4WD? If so, does it work properly? Do your reverse lights work when you put it into reverse?

Welcome to this forum! You have an A4LD 4 speed automatic. The rear low/reverse band controls low, and reverse gear settings. Do you have manual 1st gear? Do you have 4WD? If so, does it work properly? Do your reverse lights work when you put it into reverse?

Hey BrooklynBay,

Thank you & the truck is a 2WD. I haven't looked at the truck (he doesn't live near me) but he says that it'll shift into all forward gears fine w/exception of reverse. He talked to a mechanic & he told him that it's probable that the reverse clutch disks burned up & to might as well replace the others while in there. I'll ask him about the reverse lights.

Thanks for the prompt response.

If you have to look further, the next step would be to drop the pan, the cover with 4 bolts, and remove the low/reverse servo with the large spring. Test the band with a long phillips screwdriver to see if it has spring action. This will let you know if it's broken or out of alignment. Check the tip of the servo. They sometimes chip, and lose their apply pressure. Replace the O rings with the TransTec Vition D ring kit from WWW.TransmissionPartsUSA.Com. They have all of the repair kits as well as the shift correction kits from Transgo, and Superior.

Great, thank you very much for the tip on how to check it & where to get the parts to fix it if needed. That's exactly what I was looking for. You rock man. :thumbsup:
