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92 EB Ex build.

Nice speakers, nice price ! I wish that my EB seats looked as good as yours. Even well worn and torn, mine are still comfortable. I'm not seeing many '91-'94 in the J yards now with useable seats, just 2nd gens. (forgive me for changing the subject, I just noticed your seats in the speaker pictures):)

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Thanks yall. I wish I would've taken more pictures as I've done things, but I'm usually covered in grease or oil and don't wanna mess with my phone haha.

Amp was ordered last night, I picked up a cheap Pyle marine grade 4 channel, 400 watt off Amazon. Can't beat two day shipping with prime

Nice speakers, nice price ! I wish that my EB seats looked as good as yours. Even well worn and torn, mine are still comfortable. I'm not seeing many '91-'94 in the J yards now with useable seats, just 2nd gens. (forgive me for changing the subject, I just noticed your seats in the speaker pictures):)

I just happened to take a good picture, the drivers seat is in rough shape. Passenger is a 5/10, the rear bench is easily an 8/10. They're so comfortable, I can't bring myself to replace them. Any good links to quality seat covers?

Bled the brakes today, been dealing with a mushy pedal for awhile now and wanted to eliminate that from the variables. I had tons of air in the lines and the fluid was probably factory. Very brown and murky looking. Filled with fresh dot 3, and my pedal feels much better. No more whoosh sound when I hit the brakes. Now I'm assuming my rear drums and shoes need help, the front is brand new as of two weeks ago. The list of things to do grows

Bled the brakes today, been dealing with a mushy pedal for awhile now and wanted to eliminate that from the variables. I had tons of air in the lines and the fluid was probably factory. Very brown and murky looking. Filled with fresh dot 3, and my pedal feels much better. No more whoosh sound when I hit the brakes. Now I'm assuming my rear drums and shoes need help, the front is brand new as of two weeks ago. The list of things to do grows

So I felt like I didn't bleed them enough, went back at it again. The first time was solo bleeding, today I forced my wife to hit the brakes for me haha. This is the after math, I took the time and flushed all the old fluid again. What a difference that made, my pedal is solid and I have confidence in my ability to stop in a hurry if I need to. Still get nna tackle the drums, but I can hold off for a bit longer.


I also installed my Amp, I found this on Amazon for about fifty bucks. It's definitely a no frills setup, very little adjustment but it does what I need it to which is make the speakers play music. I tried to get a picture of my power wire routing, if anybody would like a more detailed setup please ask. It basically runs thru a grommit by the brake pedal and ends up under neath the booster. I'll grab better pictures if yall would like.

I'm having a weird speaker issue though, only sound comes out of the RR door, I can't get anything from the others. I just wired them all together ans bridged them off that one speaker for the time being. I think the head unit and the harness is messed up. The HU is from 2008, I'm. Sure it's seen better days. The volume knob doesn't even work I have sound though. The cheap speakers sound good, I'm having very subtle alternator whine so I gotta re attack my ground wire another time.





Can anybody tell me where this stupid black box goes? I'm sick of it hitting my foot while braking.


The army has been keeping me busy doing stuff besides letting me work on my X, however I did accomplish a few things today.
- finally replace my temp sensor so now my water gauge actually works. Only gauge left to fix now is the fuel.
- also, drilled some holes and mounted my hi lift jack on the roof basket. I think it looks pretty good up there instead of sliding around in the cargo area


Well thanks to Facebook Market place I was able to score a set of 5 steel d window rims for 40 bucks, they even came with bald 35s haha. I gotta put some work into repairing and reconditioning but they were absolutely worth the price. One of the rims is pretty messed up though, the lug holes are all wallered out like if somebody put the lug nuts on backwards once and drove it like that.

That being said, if somebody is near Raleigh in North Carolina and would like these tires for free, please come and get them.



Who said you can't run 35s without a lift :):):)


Well as of now I'm basically at a stand still with my explorer. All my build funds are on halt until after the holidays most likely besides a few small maintenance type things. I hate playing the waiting game, I'm extremely inpatient. I did however get my hands on some cheap 15x8 d window steelies. I'm torn between running the x10 or x8 when it comes times for new tires. Most likely going with 32x11.5x15

I got bored of not having anything to wrench on so I bought some warrior 153 rear shackles and RC leveling springs for the front. Should be here early next week and installed by the weekend.

Nice Find !, Long live the First Gens !

Nice Find !, Long live the First Gens !

Thanks man. I love this truck, my only gripe is it's an automatic. I'd kill for a five speed swap but that's out of the question for the time being.

My warrior 153 shackles showed up today, gotta love Amazon prime two day shipping. Waiting for my rough country leveling springs to arrive and then I can install everything this weekend.

Slowly but surely she's coming together!



I installed the same shackles. So far so good.

that black box looks like an aftermarket piece for an alarm? Any markings on it

Brake booster is actually very easy to replace despite how it looks

I have had good luck with Pyle amps and speakers, but not head units :)

Nice work thus far! I love the gen I's they are tough as tanks!

Got my leveling springs in, now just waiting till Friday for the installation. I'll be sure to get some pics for yall.

Also went ahead and ordering an entirely new rear brake setup, shoes, drums, hardware, cylinder. I popped the shoes off last week and everything is rusted and frozen, it's almost a safety hazard



that black box looks like an aftermarket piece for an alarm? Any markings on it

Brake booster is actually very easy to replace despite how it looks

I have had good luck with Pyle amps and speakers, but not head units :)

Nice work thus far! I love the gen I's they are tough as tanks!

Wow you're right, it ended up being an alarm system. I want to cut it out but there are a ton of wires connected to it and I know how sketchy alarms from the 90s are. Better to just leave it alone I suppose. The Pyle Amp has been okay, I'm dealing with a lot of alternator whine though. I wore wheeled my ground location to bare metal and its still just as bad. I think the Amp might be bad

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Wow, Thats weird, I have the exact same amp and speakers with zero noise and sounds decent for what it is.
