'92 Explorer Eddie Bauer Electronic Module Locations | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'92 Explorer Eddie Bauer Electronic Module Locations


May 26, 2008
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Jeddah, KSA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Eddie Bauer
Just got my second hand '92 Explorer. I would like to know the locations of the Control units, specially for the Electronic Shift Control Module and Speed Control Amplifier. 4 x 4 and Speed Control isnt working right now, can anyone assist?

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Try using the search option at the top of the page. Both topics have been discussed many times in the past and the threads contain almost all the information you will need to fix the problems.

Speed control amplifier is in the dash, above the glove compartment. Pinch the sides of the glove box in so the sides clear the dash, it will flop down (dumping the junk in it on the floor) and then look up into the hole, there is a green box, thats the speed control amp.

The 4x4 module is in the back driver's side panel. Take the jack hole cover off, and look towards the front , there's a black box, thats the module. It's probably not the problem though, go to the shift motor and go from there, there is a sticky about rebulding it.

Thanks TedJ! I did the self-diagnosis on the 4x4 module, that is, removing the two connectors on the left side and pressing the reset switch on the module. Its a red LED, and it did flased 4 times, guess you are right, I will check the shift motor then. Is there an indicator light on the dash (on 92 model) that tell the driver if the speed control is active or not? I read, in some threads that there should be one.

Checked the resistors on the control switch and found ACCEL and RES switch is open when pressed. The switches made a depression on the back of the switch, It has a sort of padding that got deep indents on them. Fixed that with a strip of duct tape and got a good contact. Did a road test and now it works fine!
Thanks alot for the wiring diagrams Ted J, specially that voltage test on the speed control switch. It confirmed that the input to the module is good.
I noticed that the vehicle speeds up when the SET/ACCEL switch is PRESSED and HELD, it doesn't speed up in steps like the EXPEDITION right?
