97 Mounty, new head unit wire in, use Metra-70-5008? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 Mounty, new head unit wire in, use Metra-70-5008?


January 19, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Winston-Salem, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
Mountaineer 1997
I bought an ebay Android head unit. Want to utilise the factory amp and sub hopefully.
Will this do it? Metra-70-5008

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I bought an ebay Android head unit. Want to utilise the factory amp and sub hopefully.
Will this do it? Metra-70-5008
Im thinking to go to a car audio shop. It seems that what I linked to is to bypass the amp and need a fair bit of wire running.

You want metra 70-5517

Also need a step down converter, which is just a filtered 12v to 5 v step down regulator, also on Amazon

Without that your new head unit will send 12v to the factory amp remote power on switch, causing a thump to your subwoofer. Factory amp uses a 5 v trigger . Dumb.

You want metra 70-5517

Also need a step down converter, which is just a filtered 12v to 5 v step down regulator, also on Amazon

Without that your new head unit will send 12v to the factory amp remote power on switch, causing a thump to your subwoofer. Factory amp uses a 5 v trigger . Dumb.
Awesome thanks, glad I heard from you! I don't want to right now go crazy with amps etc and don't want to run a long wire

Hi still not so sure, I have the window sticker here and it says a JBL premium system. Has the stacker and a sub in trunk with JBL logo.

Have ordered the one you mentioned anyway.
Here is the sticker and also the harness, I think the second long thin plug is for the rear seat controls.

Also YT the plug

Also I am thinking I need some kind of mounting cage? I only have the bare new stereo right now
