A few questions about a Mark VIII | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A few questions about a Mark VIII

'97 V8

Explorer Addict
April 2, 2005
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ft. knox ky
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 mounty 5.0 4x4 baby!!
Im looking at this 95 mark VIII. Both airbags are blown on it and has a broken headlight. Aside from that, the car is mechanically sound. Is there anything i should be aware of on the marks of that year?

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I'd PM SVO. He is the Mark VIII expert around here

Let's see if I can remember some stuff that SVO, XLRVIII, and Tripany have told me...the air bags are a biggie. Is it the front or rear ones? Does the compressors work for the air ride? Headlights are expensive for these cars, but might be able to find a replacement on the Mark VIII boards.

Pics are good as well as info like how many miles, etc. ;)

air bags are a biggie? My replacements were $100 for the Explorer, 2 bolts on each one, new computer and some custom vinyl paint, BAM! all new....

When you mention "BOTH" air bags blown and a broken headlight..
Are you talking about the SRS (supplemental restraint system) Airbags inside the car?

If so, they are expensive, but I'm very sure Jeff has both the drivers AND the passenger side Air Bags from "The Black MarK" that I left in his driveway.

As far as "general items".
First thing you need to do is have the trans fluid "removed" and "replaced" with Mercron 5.

Even more important than that, but it never gets done until "later" is the 1-2 shift accumulator spring and piston upgrade.
The early Mark 8 transmissions have a SUBPAR piston and spring assembly and there is now an upgraded piston and spring available from Max @ Fivestarford.com

If you call Max, and tell him Tom and Tiff with the Mark 8's sent you, he'll give you a good price and he already has the part numbers needed for this upgrade.
While you have Max on the phone go ahead and order the 96+ transmission pan and filter.
This upgraded pan increases the capacity over the stock mark 8 pan and it has a much needed sump underneath the fluid pick up that prevents transmission killing fluid starvation.

Headlights, headlights, headlights.. where to start.
The Halogen Housings that are 11 years old, need to be replaced. They are roughly 200.00 per side.
There are kits out there to "renew" these old oxidized housings but those kits do absolutely NOTHING to renew the burned up reflector INSIDE the housing.
Granted, the renewal kits make the lenses clear.. but it wont improve your light output unless the reflector that's inside the housing is addressed.

Currently there have been a few folks that have HOMEDEPO'D reflectors, but.. to date I've yet to see anything that I would do to "my car".

There are two alternatives to 1st gen Mark 8 headlights
1 spend 200ish per side on OEM replacement housings, there is a guy in Ebay selling pairs for 239.00 each brand new, in the box

The other alternative is to convert a non LSC Mark 8's headlights to the 95-96 LSC headlights.. the non LSC cars have 9005 halogen lights, the 95-96 LSC's have H.I.D. headlights which are very VERY much different than the non LSC halogen housings.

First noticeable difference is the "clear lens" on the front of the H.I.D.'s compared to the "fluted light diverters" that are in the 9005 halogen housings.

The MOST NOTED difference between the 9005 Halogen Housings and the 95-96LSC H.I.D. lights is the price.

2-9005 Halogen Housings 200-250.00 each
2-95-96 LSC H.I.D. Housings 400-500.00 each not including the HID light itself which costs about 180.00 per side.

FWIW: the 95 Mark 8 was the first domestic car to come factory with H.I.D. headlights.

Sorry for the novel

Love your sig, Tommy. :thumbsup: :D

Yours is pretty good too!

"Most people are like slinky's
From the outside they appear to be neatly wound and uniform.

But.. if you mess with them, they instantly turn into a mangle mess like a clockspring that has come unwound!"

410Fortune said:
air bags are a biggie? My replacements were $100 for the Explorer, 2 bolts on each one, new computer and some custom vinyl paint, BAM! all new....

Rear Bags on the Mark 8 are 90.00 and NO BOLTS...required for removal.
They are fisher price snaptite!

The front STRUTS are more than an "air bag" it's actually a regular shock with an air bag on top of it.

They are 150-200ish depending on where you get them from.

Install is stupid easy, 3 upper bolts and 1 lower bolt on the front
no bolts on the rears, twist, remove, repeat.. wash hands

oh I see I figured since we were talking front end damage he was talking blown airbags, as in safety equipment not suspension.

yeah, im talking about the airbags, the one that stop face making intament contact with steering wheel or dash board. The airbag system on the computer says airbag system is ok. keep your fingers crossed that i win the auction.

XLR V111, your "novel" was a very good read. thank you much for the info.

I've seen complaints from owners of not only Mark VIII but lincoln/ford owners of faulty power steering lines that will leak and cause a fire under the hood. Just do a thurough look. There's a lota electrical inthose cars as well :thumbdwn:

[QUOTE='97 V8]yeah, im talking about the airbags, the one that stop face making intament contact with steering wheel or dash board. The airbag system on the computer says airbag system is ok. keep your fingers crossed that i win the auction.[/QUOTE]

You need to replace both the air bags (SRS) and the modual, the modual is a ONE TIME USE item, once the SRS has been deployed the modual is non-funtonal (it self destructs).

I have all three pieces, both driver and passenger, plus the SRS modual.

Lemme know what you want to do, I'm sure I can beat the auction price.

BTW mine came out of a black interior car, but that means nothing when you can spray dye these to match any interior.

Jeff - :navajo:

Stang Girl said:
Love your sig, Tommy. :thumbsup: :D

Yours is pretty good too!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

For the love of throwing wrenches :confused:

Thanks SVO. I'll definatly be contacting you for some parts if i win the auction.

[QUOTE='97 V8]Thanks SVO. I'll definatly be contacting you for some parts if i win the auction.[/QUOTE]

which headlight is broken?

I may have a spare {not perfect, but not broken}

Lemme know which one you need and I'll see if I can take it up to Jeffs to be shipped along with the air bags.

If you get the air bags, I'll toss in the light as a value added bonus.
That is.. IF I have a spare for the same side you need.
{just a heads up)

[QUOTE='97 V8]Thanks SVO. I'll definatly be contacting you for some parts if i win the auction.[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about a green one with a broken passenger headlight from Cartersville, Georgia?

Happy Belated Birthday, Tommy! :chug: :burnout:

Are you talking about a green one with a broken passenger headlight from Cartersville, Georgia?

yes i am. Please dont bid on it :p

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2 days
