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A roll cage for my explorer


Active Member
June 11, 2000
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City, State
York, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Sport
I know that there are a few explorer owns on this page that have roll cages in their explorers, such as Rich, Robbie, and Troll needs one for his explorer on the race track. My question is where can I get a roll cage for my 96' sport? Right now I am in the process of doing a lot of modifications to my explorer and any help with finding a roll cage would be great.



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You'll have to look around your area and find a fabricator, preferably one with a good amount of rollcage experience. There are no cages available pre-made.

ditto what Bill said... typically if someone actually did make an aftermarket one, it would be bolt-together (which wouldn't be as structurally safe), not sure how the others had theirs built but to make it effective, Rick had them start with the two pieces on the left and right side that went from front to back, the custom-bend and weld the other bars to go across. It's not coming out of there without a hacksaw :).

roll bar

I can get one installed for you if you bring the car to me. My Friend is a very good roll bar builder/Installer. I have just been to bussy at work to do my own truck yet.

Damn, Troll, I'm pretty sure you don't live in SoCal, right? I'm looking for someone to do me a cage.

If anyone local knows someone good and experienced in the San Diego North County, please let me know!

Rod Fontelli up in Ramona does some real nice work out of a huge garage in his back yard. He has built a ton of trucks and has a lot of experience. I spoke with him about a year ago and his prices were great. I've got his buisness card at home with a number, I'll try to get it for you. Also, Dead Link Removed in San Marcos or Baja Concepts in Fallbrook. WeldTech in El Cajon or if you're rich AutoFab in Santee.

Khris, I'd love that number.

So far, I've checked out Fat Boys and Extreme, both in Escondido. Both seem highly skilled, but pricey. I'll definately check out Rod.

Drew, sorry about commandeering your thread for my own gain!

Roll cage fab in MA/NH??

Anyone know of a reputable shop in MA or NH that can fab a decent roll cage for an X??? Thanks in advance, JK


Rod Fantelli
405 F Street
Ramona, Ca. 92065


This guy does nice work!! Don't be distracted if you show up and you realize it's a house. He has a nice shop in a huge garage in the back yard. He does mostly desert race trucks and his truck wins a lot. He won the Baja 1000 last year in his class. I don't think you'll be disappointed with his work and from what I remeber his prices were really good especially compared to most of the other shops around the area. I'm guessing this is cause he works outta his backyard.

My only problem with finding someone to do this roll cage is that I live in PA. So I would need to find someone close by, either in PA or say VA, MD, OH, NJ, or even NY.

Does anybody know of any good places to have a rollcage fabbed near Oklahoma City or Dallas?
