A4LD requires high rev to engage drive | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4LD requires high rev to engage drive


Well-Known Member
November 21, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Redmond, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 4x4
93, 99 Bauer 4x4
94 Explorer had a problem of delaying shift into reverse and drive. Drive got so I had to punch the rpms a couple of times before it would engage. It is fine after that. I also don't think I have OD. Shifts are 2nd: 15 mph, 3rd: 20 mph, 4th: 45 mph. At 55 I am at 2500 rpm. So I don't know if I have OD.
Right now, I still have the engagement problem. This is what I have done: polished governor, replaced vacuum modulator twice, adjusted bands twice, replaced O-rings on all 3 servos, replaced solenoids, then put in a reman valve body.
WHAT IS LEFT! I'm ready to scream and I'm tired of getting ATF showers.

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Shift solenoids, bands, servos, valve body, governor, modulator, none of these components control the engagement into drive, they do control the shift timing and quality.

There sounds like there is a problem with the forward clutch inside the transmission. There can be a number of things in this clutch that can cause it not to apply, but the bottom line is none of them will be able to be repaired without removing the transmission and taking it apart to see all that needs be replaced or repaired.

The no 4th gear can be a few things also, but I wouldn't work on that until you are ready to fix the engagement issue.

Thank You for your response. Another question, then. Could there be a problem with a low pressure pump issue? What about the lack of OD? I might as well face the whole story if I am going to dive into the guts of the beast. What specialty tools will I need to gut it out and start over, or do I just go after what is currently wrong. I know with an engine, if you just replace part of the innards, another part of the engine may give out soon enough.

my old ranger would act like that when it was low on fluid. Maybe a pump issue or - not to sound condescending - you are low on fluid

That indeed would be a nice answer to hear, but I have the fluid right on. It even had the same problem as I was working through the gears near the end of refilling after valve body replacement.
What tools do I need to redo the trans and the parts I will need that are standard, beyond the clutch plates, seals and gaskets.
