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A4LD Swap option from Advance Adapters

The lead engineer on this project is still in college and is only a part time employee. Besides, good things come to those who wait.

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The tranny is in. Now it's just matter of all the small stuff. Shifter, starter, dust cover/lower bell housing, bypassing computer, cooling lines, etc.

The adapter consists of a new output shaft and tailshaft housing to mate the stock transfer case to the 700-R4. As for the front end, there is an adapter between the engine and tranny to alow bolting of both. Between the flexplate and torque converter, there is another spacer, kinda like a big washer, to compensate for the space the adapter added and adapt the 4 bolt pattern of the flexplate to the new 3 bolt pattern of the 700-R4 torque converter.

They weren't able to adapt the stock shifter linkage so a B&M floor shifter will be used.

The TV cable is being addressed by Bow Tie Overdrives and they are making a new linkage part to attatch to the throttle body so the tranny will shift properly.

What have they done for mounting the starter? Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Chevy starter mount to the engine block, and the Ford mount to the tranny? If this is the case there is no provision for a starter on the Chevy tranny. Did they include a starter mounting surface on the bellhousing adapter?
I can't wait for the kit to become available. I am already collecting the parts necessary (tranny case, rebuild kit, etc..) to do the swap.

Yes, the stock starter will be used along with the stock flexplate. The starter will bolt to the tranny adapter plate.

damn chebies

I think Randall should be in line for this swap:p Maybe he could actually wheel in Moab this year if he tries this tranny;)

I can't wait to see these for sale. :) I just hope my trans lasts long enough for me scrape up the cash. Those can't be betting odds. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Rick
I think Randall should be in line for this swap:p Maybe he could actually wheel in Moab this year if he tries this tranny;)

Ouch :( Seriously though, I've been watching this one very closely ;)

Hope whey won't ask too much for their kit, otherwise I will be going with new (or at least rebuilt) manual mazda unit which can be found at about $1000.

Originally posted by Shurup
Hope whey won't ask too much for their kit, otherwise I will be going with new (or at least rebuilt) manual mazda unit which can be found at about $1000.

Try these guys for one, they offer a warrenty and everything. The last one I bought from them in a manual was only $650 and its worked great!


Later Doug904.

I got new pics

Here is a pic from the rear without the t-case showing the back end of the rear adapter.


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This one shows how the torque converter and actual tranny is mated to the engine. That is the stock starter and flexplate, and the torque converter is a 700-R4 model. They are currently getting the lower dust cover made for that hole you see there. The tranny didn't come with one, but it will still need to ne modified to make room for the starter and and the gap left from the engine to tranny adapter, not to mention a mounting point.


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Very, very interesting...
I've been lurking on this post quite a bit...

As a side note, anyone know if the 305 and/or 350 Chev V8 dimensions are comparable to that of a 302? You can probably figure out where I'm going with this...:D

I know

where your going. But then it would not be a ford.
I would have to say chevy trans and a chevy motor,
Would just be a great looking S10 (ford Explorer body & chevy drive train)

Im not sure if i would like that. :eek:
But that's just Me.

Shifter is in

I am not sure what brand it is, but as soon as I find out I will post it. Currently we are on hold again waiting for the TV cable assembly as it isn't finished yet. But here is a pic of the new floor shifter and I will keep you all updated.


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WHERE did you get that urethane tranny mount?
Will it work with the A4LD???

Looks like a GM unit, I was wondering if that tranny mount would work on a stock Explorer....

There is a trick to the poly tranny mount. They are only made by energy suspension, part # 4.1104. However, they are only made for the manual tranny. They bolt right on to the tranny, but the trick is on the crossmember. On a manual crossmember, the bolt holes are closer together than on a auto(A4LD). All that needs to be done is to redrill new hols in the tranny crossmember, or elongate the exhisting ones. Bolt it all back together and toast yourself to a job well done.


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awesome you are the man...putting in my order.....

I CANNOT locate a part 4.1104 on their website. That diagram you posted looks like the GM unit, number:
3.1108 & #3.1132


Found it! Listed as 80-84 Ford car 6cyl

This and the solid link from 4.0L performance should help my 4.0L and trans stay put when towing and 4wheeling, that floor shifter bounces around like a rubber ball......

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Originally posted by 410Fortune

This and the solid link from 4.0L performance

Solid link? 410 please explain, some kind of torque link for the engine? Web link and or pics??

