AAA Worst service ever | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AAA Worst service ever


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I needed a tow yesterday. I called AAA and their recording said to use their APP so I did. App said tow truck was on the way and would be there in 45 minutes. Right at 45 minutes I received a phone call from AAA saying they were just then going to start searching for a tow truck company!

They never found a company who would come out because it was Sunday. This was in Peoria, AZ... which is a large suburb of Phoenix.

I cancelled my AAA policy and requested a refund before I ever got a tow. I had to find a tow truck on my own.

Worst service ever. AAA obviously cannot be counted on.


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That sucks. I've had AAA for 40 years, since I stated paying for my own insurance.

I've was an AAA Premier member since 2000.

Last year they dramatically reduced benefits, so I cancelled.

There are MANY ROADSIDE APPS and services out there. Some services have many "providers" like the "ROADSIDE" APP.

It is easy to find one that is strong in the area that you live or visit . . . . The market is kind of like UBER now.

I will never deal with a service again. From now on I will find my own tow and have my insurance company reimburse me.

We had similar experiences with Good Sam. First one was on the way to Moab. Before we ever hit I17 I had a blowout on one of the dually tires. The factory jack broke and I couldn't lift the truck. Good Sam couldn't find us on a map! I finally limped the truck to a Discount tire with just a single rear that was screaming for mercy ;)

Char had a battery die on her on the freeway. It was 110 outside and once again Good Sam couldn't find her. She tried to flag down a couple DPS cruisers, but they drove right by. Finally a good samaritan stopped and took her off the freeway to a convenient store where she could cool down, and deal with finding a tow out of the heat.

From our personal experiences it appears these companies just take your money and party with it, because when it comes time to actually needing their service, they are nowhere to be found.

I will never deal with a service again. From now on I will find my own tow and have my insurance company reimburse me.

We had similar experiences with Good Sam. First one was on the way to Moab. Before we ever hit I17 I had a blowout on one of the dually tires. The factory jack broke and I couldn't lift the truck. Good Sam couldn't find us on a map! I finally limped the truck to a Discount tire with just a single rear that was screaming for mercy ;)

Char had a battery die on her on the freeway. It was 110 outside and once again Good Sam couldn't find her. She tried to flag down a couple DPS cruisers, but they drove right by. Finally a good samaritan stopped and took her off the freeway to a convenient store where she could cool down, and deal with finding a tow out of the heat.

From our personal experiences it appears these companies just take your money and party with it, because when it comes time to actually needing their service, they are nowhere to be found.
Sad! A couple of days ago my niece had to wait 4 hrs for AAA - and that's in the city, not some remote area. And I was just going to buy AAA coverage, rather doubtful now!

I have mostly had good experiences with AAA. I have had the Explorer towed home at least five times with no issues, except one day when it was raining and they were slammed. They showed up with a vehicle already on the flat bed and wanted to tow mine with the wheel lift. No way no how, the driver said no one told him it was a customized 4x4. He dropped the other vehicle because no one was waiting with it and towed me from Pacoima to San Diego, then said he was headed back to take the other car to a shop.

I think this time we are in of a lot of able bodied people not wanting to actually work anymore, and being fully supported by the government, is effecting most service jobs.

I have mostly had good experiences with AAA. I have had the Explorer towed home at least five times with no issues, except one day when it was raining and they were slammed. They showed up with a vehicle already on the flat bed and wanted to tow mine with the wheel lift. No way no how, the driver said no one told him it was a customized 4x4. He dropped the other vehicle because no one was waiting with it and towed me from Pacoima to San Diego, then said he was headed back to take the other car to a shop.

I think this time we are in of a lot of able bodied people not wanting to actually work anymore, and being fully supported by the government, is effecting most service jobs.

Char's experience with Good Sam was about 5 years ago. The trip to Moab, at least 10. From personal experience they both suck, and Good Sam has been sucking long before covid. :(

I have had AAA, for almost 20 years. JP has only been towed once, because of the thermostat went out, and could not keep it cool enough to make it all the way home in one shot. But if I wanted to drive and wait, and repeat, I could have made it home.

Only other time I needed it was outside of St. George on the way back from Moab when I blew a spark plug out the SD engine. On a interesting note, Matt from Winder Towing (Matt's Off-Road Recovery of YouTube fame) actually towed me down to the Ford dealership., Before anyone knew who he was.

So far good experience though.
