Aaron's Mountaineer: Massachusetts | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aaron's Mountaineer: Massachusetts

TTG said:
Is there any difference between a message center and a overhead console in terms of what they do? Or was it just 2 different styles of the same computer?

My Mountaineer came standard with the overhead console, which contains a magnetic compass and a display for outside ambient temperature.

The Message Center is, for the most part, a fuel management computer. It came on Eddie Bauer and Limited models. Since it uses VSS input, 95-97 models use one version, and 98-01 models use another. They are not compatible with each other.

With inputs such as fuel level, speed, and fuel flow, it displays the following functions:

1) Distance Traveled. Nothing more than a 2nd trip odometer, its resetable.
2) Miles untill empty. Using both fuel level and average MPG to calculate the reading.
3) Gallons untill empty.
4) Gallons used. Resetable.
5) Instantaneous MPG. Fuel flow with speed compensation.
6) Average MPG. Resetable.
7) There are other functions as well, such as windsheild washer fluid level monitoring, oil temp monitoring, and exterior light monitoring. I only hooked up the fuel management features.

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Control Trac 4x4 Swap: Electrics Pictures

Pictures from the electrical install:

Parts Needed:

-Bezel with switches
- Torque On Demand Relay
- Shift Relay
- T-case harness

Torque On Demand Relay:

Brown wire clipped and extended for 2wd switch:

Shift Motor Relay, and GEM:

T-case wiring harness, under driver's seat:

T-case wiring harness, at t-case:

Big thanks to StadX2, his research in the electrics portion of the swap meant all I had to due was plug in modules.

His writeup can be found here: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85487

Control Trac 4x4 Swap: Front Driveshaft

Front d-shaft installed.

Autozone had the u-joint I needed, for only 11.99. It's not listed by application, only part number. But it is stocked.

Front shaft from a 2000 F150 w/4.6 and 4x4:

It has flanges on both sides that use the 1330 u-joint. The flanges have a 2.5" square bolt circle.

Slip yoke almost fully compressed when installed:

Front "conversion" u-joint w/grease fitting:

(Autozone P/N: 185793, PDQ #109134. $11.99)

Front driveshaft to torsion bar cross member clearance, looking aft:

I really like your Mounty, Aaron. :D Nice job on it. That's awesome that you've got low range! :thumbsup:

wow youve done a lot of work. keep it up, i want to see more.

im going to do some sound deadening in the cargo area today depending on when it arrives, i ordered 40 sq. ft.. i dont think its enough but its better than nothing, it costed me $102 shipped to my door. i heard it was better than equal or better than dynamat (depending on the thickness you get). i ordered it from Second Skin Audio (recomendation from a few people)

Where is the next write up

Aaron where is you next write up? I read your write ups like I read 4wheeler or 4 Wheel and off road. Where is this months issue? Just kidding really sweat Mounty keep up the good work

Next issue:

Clear Corner Installation. :D

I want to know if the message center can be made to work in 02+ 4.6 v8 4 doors, like a limited. I want one of those so bad but their interior needs "something" - I believe the message center is what it's missing!

Also can the brown wire mod be done to the 4.6 liter v8's? I see they have some control over the t-case unlike the 96-01's 5.0's do.

I can tell you right now that unless the 4.6L can be had with selectable control-trac (i'm not as knowledgeable on 3rd gens), then no, you can't brown-wire a stock AWD rig. If it has the BW 4405 or whatever with the electric clutch, then yes, by all means you should be able to brown-wire it.

Just a little bump, I hit 159,000k miles today.

Just a little bump, I hit 159,000k miles today.

My how the time flies.. Its been that long already? :scratch: It seams like yesterday, but its been over 2yrs..

Too long, but it does feel like yesterday. The sharpie on my Beach Permit from 2005 has faded, every time I look at that sticker it pains to think that was the last time I went off road!

However, in the next few months I'm buying a small pickup to use as my DD, and I'll resume modifying the Mountainer, maybe with the aid of a sawzall and a welder :D

Too long, but it does feel like yesterday. The sharpie on my Beach Permit from 2005 has faded, every time I look at that sticker it pains to think that was the last time I went off road!

However, in the next few months I'm buying a small pickup to use as my DD, and I'll resume modifying the Mountainer, maybe with the aid of a sawzall and a welder :D
good call!

Well the "next few months" turned into "this weekend."

I have a new toy, she weighs 2 tons and has a manual transmission :D

Just what the doctor ordered: 2000 Ranger std cab, long bed (7'), 2.5l 4cyl, 5spd manual, pw/pl/keyless entry/cruise/pwr mirrors/72k miles, 1 owner, recent clutch, she runs great!! The bed is a little dinged, and the rear bumper is AFU, but otherwise fine shape.


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Let me be the first to say....NICE RACK! :D

Let me be the first to say....NICE RACK! :D

Damn :p: I so wanted to say that. It was the 1st thing that came to mind when viewing the pictures of it.. The 2nd was about how much better gas mileage it has over the mounty. I'm surprised you hadn't bought a truck before now anyway considering all the construction materials you have been cramming in the mounty since you got her..

Anyway congrats on the new ride.. you'll need to make a new thread now :D

Purchased some MFG 33x12.5x15 Mudders today... let it begin. Now I must decide between 15x8s or 15x10s.

Purchased some MFG 33x12.5x15 Mudders today... let it begin. Now I must decide between 15x8s or 15x10s.

My fault, I told you in my PM I went with 15x11.50 rims. :rolleyes: I meant 15x8.

Many people run 15x8s 4.75 BS because this rim orients the tire in a position that closely matches OEM (1st pic).. I'm running 15x10s 3.75 BS on my Explorer and had to remove 2-3" of the fender directly behind the front wheels to alleviate rubbing (this was in addition to a 4" suspension lift + 3/4" body lift)

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I'm running 15x10s 3.75 BS on my Explorer and had to remove 2-3" of the fender directly behind the front wheels to alleviate rubbing (this was in addition to a 4" suspension lift + 3/4" body lift)

That comparison graphic is awesome - thanks for that John!

I'm leaning towards 15x8s for the following reasons:
1) They are cheaper!
2) They seem to be less prone to rubbing.
3) People say that the smaller rim is better for low psi situations

I'm still considering 15x10s for the following reasons:
1) BFG's own website recommends them.
2) They're only about $10/more.
3) They look good!
