ABS 00 Sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS 00 Sport


New Member
March 1, 2015
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Phoenix, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Sport
I have this issue, only at low speeds (coming to idle), the ABS kicks back, seems like a speed sensor, but speedometer is working fine, the passenger speed sensor has been replaced. and here is the crazy part. The ABS light is not triggering so theres noway to really diagnose by reading codes its spitting back. wondering you think its the main unit thats gone kaput? i got a 4x2 sport. SOHC so... wondering what might be the issue (where should i start) oh and FYI - When i pull abs fuse i get no feedback.

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Had the same issue as well as my F150, there's a couple of videos on YouTube explaining that one of the sensors are weak or bad. Only way to really tell is to get a live ABS reading,
For now I just disconnected 1 of the ABS lines till I solve the issue

My 98 did this at slow speeds almost at a stop, I replaced both front abs leads and that fixed it

so when i pulled drivers side sensor issue disappeared, bought new speed sensor installed on driver, now the issue is back once i plug in. any ideas? is it the thing that the abs sensor gets plugged into? that need replacement?
any ideas?

That's weird when I had the issue I had no abs light either so just replaced both

so Update, i changed both front sensors. When both are plugged in i get feedback, however when one is unplugged (doesnt matter if its passenger or driver) i get no feedback but naturally i get a abs light thrown... Im officially confused as hell. any idea?
