Adding a backup / rearview camera | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding a backup / rearview camera


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February 25, 2011
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Explorer 2012 3.5 V6 Base

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I have a ltd with the factory one installed and I can tell you that I really REALLY like it a lot..... It's almost a must have - so I say go for it.....

It is also on my to do list... agree with you on why a Base Model... without the excess is fine, just add essentials... like activate DRLs (on ALL models, just not activated)... also will add backup sensors and camera... Bull Bar...

I like that it's integrated into the rear-view mirror. My dad installed one from on his SportTrac. Wireless and works well. Only thing I didn't like is it came with an external monitor that you have to mount. If you mount on dash, it almost looks like a portable NAV system so could be tempting for thieves.

Rear Camera wiring diagram???

I am planing to install a rear camera system in a base Explorer, and have sourced a used factory camera in OEM wire harness. My question makes an assumption the wiring through the main harness front to rear may be in place, just not utilized when a factory installation is not done. I am of the belief I can plug this rear camera I have sourced into the main harness in the tailgate, (licence plate lights and camera are part of that short connecting harness.) From there, I would be looking for the forward end of the wiring, so I could install a rearview mirror type monitor. Any direction to this sort of wiring detail would be helpful.

Can someone post pictures of the OEM camera on the Limited ? Im wondering how the ebay one would look like, installed.

You should find it in the brouchure... on the Explorer without camera, you will find a rectangular plastic filler piece between the two licence plate lights. That is where the OEM camera resides. An aftermarket camera could be attached to that plastic piece, or get a licence plate mounted one. I found and bought an OEM camera, yet to be received... hopefully the wiring is in the factory wire loom. Anyone with wiring specifics ... the wire harness details for the car body wiring??>?

Great, where are you going to view the images ? Do you have the OEM My Ford Touch screen ?

I am proceeding on the premise the feed from the camera is like any other camera. i.e. a video signal is a video signal. I am looking to find the wire that carries the video signal to the front of the car, and intercept that signal to a visor or mirror mount screen.

Found this drawing...


Im trying to get a wireless camera, transmitting to a rearview mirror 3.5 inch screen, but im just concerned about the mounting point of the camera, I dont want it to be too obvious or easy to spot (and steal).
So this OEM camera seems to be attached to the body, id like to see a close up, a real picture.... but I havent been able to find one... :(

Yes I agree about the price, the only thing is that I dont want to drill a hole in the back of the car, I want something that I can mount, just like the OEM one.

Since I have the base model, I was thinking about getting a nice double din stereo, something like this...

It does look cool.... but I still cant find one for the 2012 explorer, this one is for the F150


So id like to get a camera that I can mount, hopefully using the mounting points of the OEM one, something like this...

The stock OEM camera costs $292.37 this is assuming that the wire harness is already setup for it.

However, from what I can tell, the rear trim panel is different with or without the camera. So you may need to purchase the rear trim piece as well......

I have 2 cameras which are similar with same mounting, got from one of my suppliers, never hookd them to see the picture quality and wide angle and if shows the lines (probably not)

As I posted before, the OEM camera is part of a wireharness that includes the licence plate lights. I bought a used one on e-bay for around the same price as the Chinese variats. The OEM camera just replaces the rectangle of plastic between the licence plates lights. I have seen a number of cameras with small tabs... that would screw or bolt dirctly to that plastic filler piece. Inside the wiring harness to the top of the lift gate is a reverse light wire to tap into for the camera trigger. The OEM camera body looks very much like the rest available on line. Also on line, I found a 2.5GHz transmitter reciever (no camera or monitor) for about $30. I plan on installing a 4.3" monitor in the space at the lower end of the A pillar, on a similar level to the outside rear view mirror... lots of space there, out of the way from anything else, and pleanty of power sources in the kick panel on that side. Total instal will be under $100.

The stock OEM camera costs $292.37 this is assuming that the wire harness is already setup for it.

However, from what I can tell, the rear trim panel is different with or without the camera. So you may need to purchase the rear trim piece as well......

The wire harness in the tailgate is different without camera. There is a whole set of wires not there that connect the camera to the in-car harness.

No change in rear trim required.

The way they list the trim piece is with or without camera. So perhaps the with camera option actually comes with the physical camera. That would make better sense when looking at the price difference between the two.

The OEM camera body looks very much like the rest available on line. Also on line, I found a 2.5GHz transmitter reciever (no camera or monitor) for about $30. I plan on installing a 4.3" monitor in the space at the lower end of the A pillar, on a similar level to the outside rear view mirror... lots of space there, out of the way from anything else, and pleanty of power sources in the kick panel on that side. Total instal will be under $100.

Your project sounds great, please post pictures, thank you

The wire harness in the tailgate is different without camera. There is a whole set of wires not there that connect the camera to the in-car harness.

No change in rear trim required.

So the trim is the same, but the wires are not there, the wireless transmitter becomes more and more appealing then.

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The wire harness in the tailgate is different without camera. There is a whole set of wires not there that connect the camera to the in-car harness.

No change in rear trim required.
That's weird. You'd think for efficiency's sake they'd just produce one wiring harness and only use the bits that are required. Hard to believe the cost of maintaining separate stock, etc. would be less than a couple wires and connectors.

Unless there is one style harness for base, XLT, and LTD. Maybe that's the case.

And how are things in STX? Armstrong family still own the Ford dealership?

I Lived there in the early 90's. Haven't been back in years.
