ADVICE needed ASAP....Explorer in Shop - think they tried to scam me.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ADVICE needed ASAP....Explorer in Shop - think they tried to scam me..


New Member
December 3, 2009
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City, State
Edmonds WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT AWD V8
First off, a hello to all on here. I should have gotten on this site a while back, but things just didn't happen.
Anyway first the background. 2 years ago we purchased a '97 Explorer AWD V8 with about 80K on it for my daughter. She's been driving it ever since with virtually no problems. We've done basic maintenance on it -oil/filters, but nothing else. I was going to attempt a plug change, but after getting the first one out, I gave up (this was shortly after purchase). 2 Months ago, while doing the oil change, we also changed the wiper blades. then about a month ago, she blew one of the coolant return hoses, so I replaced that, and all the coolant in the motor.

Last weekend, while home for thanksgiving, she came down with Swine Flu, and just yesterday, had to return to college. As she was getting ready to leave, she noticed the engine stumbling a bit, and then the check engine light came on. She called me at work - absolutely bawling on the phone, and I was unfortunately unable to leave, and since she had a final exam later in the afternoon, I told her to take it to one of the local Ford dealers to have them check it out.

They advised her that it would be a minimum of 150 for diagnosis, which we "ok'd". She ended up taking my wifes rig to college, and later in the afternoon the service adivsor called me. He proceeded to list the following:
1) Check engine light was due to completely fouled plugs and wires.
2) He STRONGLY advised that they do the fuel system/injector treatment.
3) Needed new wiper blades 'cause the old ones were literally shot...
4) Engine coolant was filthy - needed to be replaced.
5) There was a software update available that could help with shifting points and was just generally a "good thing to do"....
6) Power steering pump has a leak

So while I was gathering my composure (I was actually driving at the time) - I told him that I had just replaced those wiper blades. His comment was "well, I guess I better question the tech then.." - I didn't bother to say anything about the coolant. I then told him all I wanted done was the plugs and wires to which he tried again to sell me the 286 dollar bottle of injector cleaner, and the previously unpriced software update. I said "no, just the plugs and wires, and how much is that going to be?" $715 including diagnostics and tax.....I almost crapped my pants. I ok'd that knowing that I really didn't have the time in the next couple days to get to it, and knowing how tough of a job it is.

Once I got home, I called another dealer and asked for a price on the plug and wire change - 465 I believe was the quote. So I'm not sure where they got 715 from...(tax here is @9%).
Now, it has been a long time since I have had to take a vehicle in for diagnostic service and repair - so I am unfamiliar with standard policy. I thought that the diagnostic fee was covered if you actually had them do the work (the 150 covers their butt if you then decide to not have them perform the work). I know they have a certain # of hours that Ford allows (or recommends?) them to charge for - how can I find out this number?

Now on the other items - should I confront them about the validty of the items when I get there? Should I try to contact the Ford area rep? Should I go to the BBB?

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the plugs are actually quite easy to change, when you access them through the wheel-well, rather than above the engine. I can replace all 8 in less than an hour.

I have no clue how much a dealership would charge for plug wires and plugs, but I'm sure they charge much more than what you could find the parts for at Napa, Schmucks, Kragen, etc.

They do usually charge by book-time; basically, a book that tells them how long a specific job should take. Book-time, 99% of the time, states more time than what is actually required.
Then there's the labor fee; I'm pretty sure that varies between shops.

No clue about the diagnostic fee and whatnot; never had any work done by a dealership, except what was covered under warranty.

Going to the BBB probably won't do any good; a shop can literally charge as much as they want, especially since you agreed to it, you're basically SOL.

I've never had a motor-vac done in my truck, with well over 180k miles on the ticker. I love the 5.0.

The reprogramming may have something to do with a shifting issue the 4R70W had, when overdrive was left on and going somewhere between 30-40mph, it would stumble. That's probably what the reprogramming fixes (or atleast part of it, luckily I got mine fixed under warranty, but I'm not sure exactly what they did; can't remember).

So.... you took it in there with the CEL on, and the dealer gave you a laundry list of what they wanted to bang you for, but did they ever tell you what codes were returned? For the $150 diag fee, that's the least they should do.

I agree the BBB isn't much help. Tell the dealer you want the name and number of the Ford area rep. At that point, the dealer may be willing to give you some $$ back. A good negotiating point would be the $150 diag fee.

So.... you took it in there with the CEL on, and the dealer gave you a laundry list of what they wanted to bang you for, but did they ever tell you what codes were returned? For the $150 diag fee, that's the least they should do.

I agree the BBB isn't much help. Tell the dealer you want the name and number of the Ford area rep. At that point, the dealer may be willing to give you some $$ back. A good negotiating point would be the $150 diag fee.

point one he listed said the code was due to completely fouled plugs.

Most shops I know charge $75 for diagnostic, then again you went to a dealer so you are bound to get hosed. Talk to some of your friends and find an independent shop in your area if you can't or don't have time to do the work yourself.

Over $700 for plugs & wires? Seriously? Even $465 or whatever is ridiculous to me.

Like another poster mentioned, it's super easy if you go through the fender well area instead of trying to get them all from the top.

For someone who hasn't done it before on this vehicle, it should not take more than 2-3 hours... and for someone who has, an hour seems reasonable to me.

I would suggest you try to do the plugs and wires yourself. Just take one plug wire off at a time if you've never done this job before, so you don't mix up the plug wires. Very straight forward job, couple of hours at worst. Take to Auto Zone or somewhere similar and ask then to "pull the codes please" it's free.

Saving $ 500

Good luck and don't go back to the dealer.


And next time you get a code go to auto zone or whatever parts store you have. They will pull the codes for free.

WOW thats insane $700+ i knew the stealerships were a ripoff but i couldnt imagine that they would even cost close to that. i just replaced the wires on mine i went with OEM motorcraft and spent $185 and i thought that was high but was in the same perdicament as you i needed the truck asap. from purchase to install it took me 1.5 hours simple job just keeping the correct order is a can purchase a reader (obd-II) from autozone or any other parts store for 99-120 dollars (plus it will work on any of your cars) or like barneyhyphen said take it there and they will read it for free...NEVER DEALERSHIPS...only for buying parts that you cannot get aftermarket, try the search button you will find almost ANYTHING your looking for here...
