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Air Intake Mod

KKM said:
No changes expected. Thanks for your support.

no problem, you'll be receiving my order shortly for the intake. thanks for the pic btw, i was interested in how it looks.

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one more question KKM. will the intake still have that thoaty sound that my 03 had when you floor it? m 03 had the metal intake pipe and i wasnt sure if that was what gave it that sound or not.

pimp03explorer said:
one more question KKM. will the intake still have that thoaty sound that my 03 had when you floor it? m 03 had the metal intake pipe and i wasnt sure if that was what gave it that sound or not.

The majority of the sound comes from airbox elimination.

KKM said:
The majority of the sound comes from airbox elimination.

ok, i wasnt sure if it was from the sound resonating in the tubing or not. thanks again though.

Hey Folks, looking for a lift kit for my 2004 XLT 4x4.... Any ideas???????????

pimp03, do you think there will be problems with that intake and e-check? I was wondering myself about getting one from kkm

dannyb420 said:
pimp03, do you think there will be problems with that intake and e-check? I was wondering myself about getting one from kkm

nope, shouldnt be a problem at all. it only effects the amount of air being taken in to the engine, not the exhaust or anything like that. on my 03 i had to go to e-check once and i had an aftermarket intake on it, no problems at all. you'll be good to go. you should also like the sound that the intake produces at high RPM's.

JOHNNY 4 said:
I just cut the front of my air box,removed the cone from the back of the headlight and installed a k&n filter. The throttle reponse improved, the next mod will be flowmaster 70.

ditto!!! keeping that hot air OUT of your intake is key!!!

I bought the MAC origianlly and didnt like it because all it did was suck hot air. And thats a step backwards, especially when you have a blower.. the air temp charge will go through the roof.

So I adapted a mutant MAC/STOCK system with a cone filter inside the box. Which is now a true cold air system. When I get my new motor I will clean the tubes up quite a bit.



I Have An 03 Xlt With The 4.6 V8. I Was Looking Into A Cat Back Exhaust But I Don't Know If It Will Void My Factory Warranty Or Not. Anybody Know? Also Need Some Recommendations On Who Manufactures A Good Cat Back Exhaust For My Vehicle.

welcome to the site.

the only way that it can void your warranty is if the dealership can proove that the modification caused it. say for example that your window stops working. they will still honor that part of the warranty. according the the moss-ferguson act the company, as i said, must proove that the cause is the owners wrong-doing. its very difficult to proove that an exhaust cause your tranny to go bad. i say go for it. i have a JBA exhaust on mine, it uses a magnaflow muffler, and i love it. another good brand is magnaflow and gibson. it depends on what type of noise you want to be produced. JBA and magnaflow systems will provide a nice deep, throaty sound. where as the gibson will be much quieter and give you more of a humm type sound (hard to descibe without hearing it). whichever exhaust you decide to go with be sure to spend the extra cash and get a stainless steel one.

I like this idea a lot...but, is there any way to just put a cone filter in the box with out changing anything? And, how do you remove the cone at the bottom of the box, the one behind the headlight?

awdrocks said:
ditto!!! keeping that hot air OUT of your intake is key!!!

I bought the MAC origianlly and didnt like it because all it did was suck hot air. And thats a step backwards, especially when you have a blower.. the air temp charge will go through the roof.

So I adapted a mutant MAC/STOCK system with a cone filter inside the box. Which is now a true cold air system. When I get my new motor I will clean the tubes up quite a bit.



just buy a KKM intake. it adds the cone filter but eliminates the box. you can just buy a heatsheild, as i said earlier, to keep any heat away.

the reason i like the box right now is b/c my dad still owns the truck and doesn't want me to mess with the truck. So i want to put a cone in the box so it still looks stock.

05XLT said:
the reason i like the box right now is b/c my dad still owns the truck and doesn't want me to mess with the truck. So i want to put a cone in the box so it still looks stock.

just change it to the KKM. tell your dad that it doesnt cause any harm and that it is easily removable for service. adding a cone filter to the inside of the box isnt going to do much at all. there is such a restriction in air flow caused by the box that it wont make much of a performance or sound difference.

You don't know my dad! He is nieve about me messing with anything to do with the engine. Not to mention, I don't have 100+ to spend right now. Plus I could also say for a fact afterwords if it works or not. That way, in the future, we could tell people for sure that it does or doesn't work. I'll let you guys know how it works.

05XLT said:
You don't know my dad! He is nieve about me messing with anything to do with the engine. Not to mention, I don't have 100+ to spend right now. Plus I could also say for a fact afterwords if it works or not. That way, in the future, we could tell people for sure that it does or doesn't work. I'll let you guys know how it works.

I changed my setup around. Let me finish it and ill take more pics. Really works great, and now have a true cold air system. I basically took out the reduced tube that went from the MAF to the cone filter. After some extensive data logging we noticed my MAF was pegging WAY to early. A MAF (especially with a supercharger) needs to have the best linear flow of air or it wacks all the MAF reading.

So I installed the MAF (90mm Lightning) directly to the box just as it comes stock, and replaced the stock filter with a K&N. The key was that I cut a 4'' hole on the bottom of the box and ran a tube to the bottom of the front valance and put a 90degree elbow on it and ran it directly to the side of the right fog light. My front bumber has some "fake" holes right beside the fog lamps and I drilled out all the little holes. Now I get a shot of true cold air and is now essentially a ram air system. Breathes very nice and I air inlet temps dropped.

When I put on the heat shield that came with my setup up beleive it or not but raised my inlet temps as opposed to the stock box. Its not as critical to have cold air to a N/A motor as it is a blown, but cold air will make any motor run better.

I've got the KKM on my 4.6 V8 03 Mounty and have had no problems at all. I take my truck to the dealer for regular oil changes - they even once mentioned that the filter needs to be washed and lubricted. I used KKM on all my Explorers to date... get great response from the engine - especially when you have to floor it... and the V8 ... ... ... oh man! :thumbsup:

Pimp, Did you install the kkm intake on your 05? Any feedback? I have a 05 black xlt and have been waiting for a kit to replace my airbox and curious to hear your results on installation.

yep, i installed it on my 05. very easy to install. the sound is awesome, and the throttle response is a little better. i coupled it with a JBA exhaust and the combination of the two is amazing. good power gain from them. i say go for it. its worth the $150 shipped price tag.

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Anybody running some form of snorkel intake to protect the engine from deeper creek crossings?
