Airbox mod... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Airbox mod...


New Member
April 2, 2000
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Can anyone tell me exactly how to swiss cheese the airbox. I have a 91EB and I already have a K&N. If anyone has pics, i would like to see them. thankx


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Seperate and remove the upper part of the airbox then remove the lower portion of the airbox from the fender apron. Drill holes on all or as many sides of the lower half of the airbox as you want. Larger holes are better but any size will do. DO NOT put any hloes in the upper half of the box or you will be feeding your engine unfiltered air.

I'm sending this message to Modified Explorations.

Matt Adams
94 Explorer 4-door nick-named "Tippy"

I drilled 5, 1" holes, and then inserted filtered air box plugs, these slip right into the hole and give a nice finished look rather than an open hole, plus they help keep alot of dust and debris out with no restriction.


91 Sport
"Drive it like ya stold it"

...and how much are they?

...and what colors are available?

A filtered breather plug looks just like a plastic grommet, they are 1" in dia.and have a mesh on the outside and a small piece of foam on the inside. Rather than just having a gaping hole that can allow debris and extra dust to enter, these prefilter the air with no restiction. So you achieve the same benefits, and as mentioned you have a finished look and a cleaner box.
The plugs are made by uni-filter specificly for this. uni-filter makes comp racing filters for moto bikes and drag racers. They come in black and go for $7
for a pack of 6. You shoud be able to find them at motorcycle shops or performance engine shops.
Also see my post "filtered breather plugs"


91 Sport
"Drive it like ya stold it"

Anyone performed the airbox mods to a 95 or later model Explorer with the conical type filter? How did you do it? Thanks in advance.

95 XLT 4X2 4.0L OHV
AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants & Filters
NGK Platinum Plugs
Jacobs Electronics Wires

Hi AgExplorer,
When I had my 95, I cut out four big pieces to make it look like it has the bottom piece and top piece(where the filter hooks on to the MAS)connected together by 4 small 1/2" wide strips. That way you have max air flow but the filter won't flop around. don't make the 4 strips too small, or they will break when you try to take it off or put it back on.

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
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Thanks for the info. I may have to give it a try. I also thought about drilling 6-1" holes around the airbox and using the filtered breather plugs raven suggested.

95 XLT 4X2 4.0L OHV
AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants & Filters
NGK Platinum Plugs
Jacobs Electronics Wires

AgExplorer, I just removed the air box and used a K & N filter. I went around the flat part of the filter where it mates up with the air tube box with foam weather stripping to seal it and the clamp ring holds it tight.

Bill Kemp 96 XLT 4x4 4. OHV

Ya know, we keep getting requests for pics and exact instructions on this mod....

I guess I'm gonna hafta finally break down and take some photos of my original swiss cheese special Dead Link Removed

"Nerves of Steel; Brain of Chipmunk"
'99 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4.0L SOHC aka "The Jeepeater"
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"What the heck is he doing out here in that thing???"
