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Am I Missing Something?


USMC 1371
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Elite Explorer
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February 15, 2010
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Charlestown, RI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Escape SE
I think I'm missing some weatherstripping. Here is a picture of my back door. The arrows point to where dirt, grime, water, and snow build up:


I'm thinking that there should be some weatherstripping on the door or the body:


I'm throwing this out there. This is the only Ex I have owned and this is bothering me. My thoughts are that there should be something to prevent that crap from building up on the inside of the door.

Thanks, Rondo

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Mine's exactly the same mate. I just hit the gap with the hose after a wash and wait for the water to run clear. Your right about a bit of weather stripping there, could stop that 'orrible grime.

Same thing happens with my truck.

Mine's exactly the same mate. I just hit the gap with the hose after a wash and wait for the water to run clear. Your right about a bit of weather stripping there, could stop that 'orrible grime.

That is just a poor design in my opinion. I hate the fact that all that crap is getting in there.

Yep, I hear that. It does seem that all newer/newish vehicles do that, only seal the passenger compartment. I reckon it's a conspiracy by the manufacturers to decrease the vehicle life due to rust if you don't keep on top of it.

I guess we'll just have to deal with it unless someone comes up with a fix. :(

you could put some foam with adhesive backing on it to seal it up, but that might hold water and cause rust,

Get some garage door or similar foam at the hardware store , apply using some body panel adhesive available at like Advance auto or Autozone, etc.

you could put some foam with adhesive backing on it to seal it up, but that might hold water and cause rust,

That's what I was thinking, don't want to promote rust.

I find that driving through deep puddles at speed helps wash a lot of the gunk out of there :D

I hit as many puddles as I can but that just introduces more water into the situation. If there is a bunch of dirt up there and it doesn't get washed out then it will hold the water.

Get some garage door or similar foam at the hardware store , apply using some body panel adhesive available at like Advance auto or Autozone, etc.

This is a pretty good idea. I'm going to have to look into it. Thanks.

yeah man, that area seems like a serious design flaw zone. I spent 2 hours yesterday cleaning out all those nooks and crannies; boy what a pain in the fingers. :D

yeah man, that area seems like a serious design flaw zone. I spent 2 hours yesterday cleaning out all those nooks and crannies; boy what a pain in the fingers. :D

Yeah, its not a good deal.

43 said:
2003 Eddie Bauer|White|v6 2wd
Mods: Bug Gaurd, Mud Flaps, Tow Hooks, Window Tint, Tail Light Gaurds, AUX Jack for 6 disc, Telescoping Steering Wheel Mod, 2.5" Exhaust, 4.0 rep, Volant Cold Air Intake.
Future Mods & Ideas:AWD Swap, AUX Roof lighting.

Talk to me about the mud flaps. I've been wanting to put them on my Ex.


After driving through a flooded/mudded road. They did their job. :)

I cant remember the brand name right now, i'll rifle through the garage tomarrow and see if i can find it. They are drill/screw-ons. The rear and contured to the shape of the well/fender, but the fronts are pretty much just flat, almost any application. Solid plastic, not flappy rubber; and give the illusion of having like a double mudflap style. I can take some close-ups tomarrow if you would like. So far I've been very satisfied with them.

After driving through a flooded/mudded road. They did their job. :)

I cant remember the brand name right now, i'll rifle through the garage tomarrow and see if i can find it. They are drill/screw-ons. The rear and contured to the shape of the well/fender, but the fronts are pretty much just flat, almost any application. Solid plastic, not flappy rubber; and give the illusion of having like a double mudflap style. I can take some close-ups tomarrow if you would like. So far I've been very satisfied with them.

Close ups would be good, thanks. Sweet looking Ex! :thumbsup:


















Sorry for the trillions of pictures, but i tried to get all the angles i could aswell as the install points.

Sorry for the trillions of pictures, but i tried to get all the angles i could aswell as the install points.

No need to apologize. Thank you very much. I definitely have to get these now!

It must be buy some mudflaps week 'cause I got some yesterday. These are 12"x12". They didn't come with mounting hardware so I'm trying to find enough washers for the install. These are the rubber ones (so I dont rip them off in the bush), and I'm thinking of trimming the factory ones down to 2" and bolting the newies to onto that. My rear left had already copped some damage when I bought the old girl so I'm just trying to stop the same thing happening to the right.


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They are Husky Mud Gaurds if you would like the exact same ones. Molded in the rear and non-molded in the front.

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dog legs?

That's the worst section on my 93. I would like to replace the dog legs this summer. I try not to open the back doors very much so people can't see the rust holes.!!. lol :p:
