AM Radio - any connection to roof fix??? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AM Radio - any connection to roof fix???

Ok, today I decided to go to another Ford dealership concerning the AM radio static since the last dealership told me to buy a 32 inch antenna to solve the problem. Ok this dealership asked me if I was still receiving Sirius radio and I said no. She then preceded to tell me that is why my AM reception is not as good as it was. Can anyone out there confirm that? None of my other cars had Sirius and I never had issues with the static.

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Ok, today I decided to go to another Ford dealership concerning the AM radio static since the last dealership told me to buy a 32 inch antenna to solve the problem. Ok this dealership asked me if I was still receiving Sirius radio and I said no. She then preceded to tell me that is why my AM reception is not as good as it was. Can anyone out there confirm that? None of my other cars had Sirius and I never had issues with the static.
I also don't understand that reasoning. Both use different antennas. Not sure what one has to do with the other. :dunno:
This is getting more intriguing by the day. I don't believe that the techs at the dealerships are likely that familiar with the radios or radios in general.
Did the problem begin when your subscription expired or do you know for sure when it actually was cut off?


Ok, today I decided to go to another Ford dealership concerning the AM radio static since the last dealership told me to buy a 32 inch antenna to solve the problem. Ok this dealership asked me if I was still receiving Sirius radio and I said no. She then preceded to tell me that is why my AM reception is not as good as it was. Can anyone out there confirm that? None of my other cars had Sirius and I never had issues with the static.

I still have Sirius and the AM doesn't work, so I don't think one has anything to do with the other. What I am thinking is the foam. I attributed the am reception to the MFT upgrade, but it was at the same time that I had the rain noise issue "fixed" (not that it really worked). Maybe they messed up something when they were tinkering around in the roof. It worked before that point.

Ok, today I decided to go to another Ford dealership concerning the AM radio static since the last dealership told me to buy a 32 inch antenna to solve the problem. Ok this dealership asked me if I was still receiving Sirius radio and I said no. She then preceded to tell me that is why my AM reception is not as good as it was. Can anyone out there confirm that? None of my other cars had Sirius and I never had issues with the static.

You wouldn't recommend the EX because of poor AM reception????? Wow....
I haven't listened to it in years and don't know if it works in my Ex and Icould care less if it doesn't.....

Of course I am not basing this on the AM radio. It is just one if the many annoying things on a long list and dealers who don't seem to have a handle on how to address them. Actually, the latter is the most annoying part of it. I could deal with the frequent visits to the dealership if the problems were solved when I left. The repeat visits are extremely frustrating.

I still have Sirius and the AM doesn't work, so I don't think one has anything to do with the other. What I am thinking is the foam. I attributed the am reception to the MFT upgrade, but it was at the same time that I had the rain noise issue "fixed" (not that it really worked). Maybe they messed up something when they were tinkering around in the roof. It worked before that point.
All they do for the rain noise issue is poke a 6" rubber tube in through the sun visor mounting bracket screw holes and inject foam. Not knowing exactly where the antenna wire runs, the most that would have done is coat them with foam for a short distance. That should not have any affect on the signal. I also doubt the MFT performance upgrade had anything to do with the radio itself. If it did and caused the problem, the issue would be very widespread, which it is not.
I'm assuming that the static is the same whether the engine is running or not. If the dealer is attempting to say that you don't have a problem, park your Ex next to one on the lot and compare results.


If you no longer have Sirius radio, will that effect AM reception?

If you no longer have Sirius radio, will that effect AM reception?
Although I'm no expert on this, I doubt it would have any affect at all. AM/FM and Siruis Satellite both use different antennas. The AM/FM uses the small protruding antenna while the satellite antenna is in the larger base part of the unit. If it did affect it, there would be many, many unhappy owners out there when they don't renew their Sirius subscription and that doesn't appear to be the case. Many have not renewed their subscription.
AM radio uses frequencies from 535 kilohertz to 1.7 MHz.
Sirius uses 2,320.00 through 2,332.50 MHz.


My Sirius expired long ago after the initial trial subscription. I have also been using the shark fin since before it expired. I listen to AM 99% of the time and have never experienced problems with AM reception other than occasionally while sitting under an underpass. I have to say one thing, with all the numerous problems I have had with my EX and the dealerships, the AM radio has been the most reliable aspect of the vehicle for me. I don't see how Sirius would have any impact on AM.

...AM radio should not be a difficult thing to have! Not to mention that it finally rained and the rain noise was not noticeably better.
Noticed also the am is terrible after update, was also in for the rain noise they did not really say if they completed it or not...
I have had my car in twice to address the static in the AM radio...
The AM radio reception in mine has always be horrendous and un-listenable...
dencan, jeff59rt1, wgxplor, & vfral1,

I want to offer my assistance to clear up your AM stations by escalating up to your regional Customer Service Managers. For those who haven’t done so already, please PM me with your VIN, contact information, dealer name/state, and mileage.

Although I'm no expert on this, I doubt it would have any affect at all...
Thanks for your ongoing help, Peter.

...I have to say one thing, with all the numerous problems I have had with my EX and the dealerships, the AM radio has been the most reliable aspect of the vehicle for me...
I wanted to check in on the other concerns you’ve had, cnsheets; please let me know via PM and I’ll be glad to re-escalate.


re am radio

I have a date tomorrow and its and mft update and a am radio complaint mine has lots of static i like talk shows and it worked well not sure if it got worse after last mft update?????/
also not getting fuel mileage i like ??

Just bought a 2014 Explorer..what a beautiful car....(for my wife). Had our first road trip and when we were traveling, the minute we got about 5 miles out of Grand Rapids, the 50,000 watt AM radio we listen to talk on, disappeared. We used to be able to hear that on our 2008 Edge for over 80 miles north, then switched to the Traverse City station and listened to that the last 70 miles..... The Traverse City station is a 50,000 watt station too, and we couldn't listen to that till we were less than 10 miles from the radio tower. This sucks!!! From what I am reading here, there is no solution to it, but we are taking the car back to the dealer and letting them deal with the problem under warranty. Doesn't sound like there is much recourse there either.

Just bought a 2014 Explorer..what a beautiful car....(for my wife). Had our first road trip and when we were traveling, the minute we got about 5 miles out of Grand Rapids, the 50,000 watt AM radio we listen to talk on, disappeared. We used to be able to hear that on our 2008 Edge for over 80 miles north, then switched to the Traverse City station and listened to that the last 70 miles..... The Traverse City station is a 50,000 watt station too, and we couldn't listen to that till we were less than 10 miles from the radio tower. This sucks!!! From what I am reading here, there is no solution to it, but we are taking the car back to the dealer and letting them deal with the problem under warranty. Doesn't sound like there is much recourse there either.
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Have you checked to ensure that the antenna (short 6" or so stubby) on the roof is securely fastened into the base? I seldom listen to AM so I don't know what the typical range would be.
Do you still have the 2008 Edge that is shown in the margin? If not, please update with the 2014 and trim level (Base, XLT, etc). If you have both, it would be helpful to add the Explorer to a signature. Thank you and please let us know what the outcome of the dealer visit was.


AM reception on this vehicle is really unacceptable. If I want to listen to AM radio, I have to stream it over my phone's internet and bluetooth connections!

Odds are if you are having reception problems with the AM radio it is the antenna.

Short stubby antennas don't work well for AM.

You can try a signal booster that plugs into the antenna cable.

Hello everyone! I am new to the forum and this is my first post. I purchased a 2013 Ford Explorer Limited ~2 weeks ago. I listen to a lot of talk radio on AM radio and getting nothing but static on this radio. I live in a larger city and have never had problems receiving an AM signal before. The antenna is screwed tight to the base. Any other ideas for improving the strength and eliminating the static? Would the antenna actually go "bad" and need to be replace? If so, are there any instructions posted on how to replace the antenna? Thanks for your help!

Hello everyone! I am new to the forum and this is my first post. I purchased a 2013 Ford Explorer Limited ~2 weeks ago. I listen to a lot of talk radio on AM radio and getting nothing but static on this radio. I live in a larger city and have never had problems receiving an AM signal before. The antenna is screwed tight to the base. Any other ideas for improving the strength and eliminating the static? Would the antenna actually go "bad" and need to be replace? If so, are there any instructions posted on how to replace the antenna? Thanks for your help!
Welcome to the Forum Korey.:wave:
Many members have complained about AM reception.
As for the antenna it simply screws into the base. The short "stubby" is the AM/FM antenna. The Sirius one is in the base of the antenna unit. I think it would be a fairly uncommon thing for that short piece to go bad. Not impossible just unlikely. You could try and see if you can find a longer one that would have the same screw type. If you park in a garage though, that could be a problem.


I never took mine to the dealer, but the AM radio reception still sucks. Don't think the antenna is hooked up, because my Sirius never worked well either. I complained to Sirius and they said they had amazing coverage in Atlanta, ga so it had to be my radio. Same with AM, one of our stations can be heard in 3 states at night, but NOT on my explorer.

I never took mine to the dealer, but the AM radio reception still sucks. Don't think the antenna is hooked up, because my Sirius never worked well either. I complained to Sirius and they said they had amazing coverage in Atlanta, ga so it had to be my radio. Same with AM, one of our stations can be heard in 3 states at night, but NOT on my explorer.
How is the FM reception? The AM and FM are on the same antenna. If you don't think the antenna is hooked up (surprised you never checked this) then removing the stubby antenna from the base should not have any effect on the signals. If you do notice a difference then it is a good chance the antenna is hooked up.


How is the FM reception? The AM and FM are on the same antenna. If you don't think the antenna is hooked up (surprised you never checked this) then removing the stubby antenna from the base should not have any effect on the signals. If you do notice a difference then it is a good chance the antenna is hooked up.


FM reception is ok, but not as good as in past vehicles. How do you check it? Does it just unscrew?

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FM reception is ok, but not as good as in past vehicles. How do you check it? Does it just unscrew?
It should just screw into the base.
