Any way to improve the subwoofer on Audiophile? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any way to improve the subwoofer on Audiophile?

In Summary i started with a Basic Radio, i also had Steering wheel controls, rear DVD, all of which i wanted to keep factory. I also had about $500 total for everything, i work in the automotive industry and things are looking tight so I decided to go with the Stock Audiophile upgrade to keep it simple and cheap.

1-First i bought Polk Speakers for $15 each for all 4 doors - $60
2-Second i found a Audiophile radio for $50. Needing repair after i got it (CD's Jammed) which was another $80 that puts the radio at $130.
3-Sub Woofer Enclosure i got on fleabay used for $20 out of an '02.
4-RR Qtr Panel junkyard $60
Custom wire, with the base radio there is no sub wiring you have to add it - $20.
Total to this point: $270

Results: it sounded like poo. Running a white noise test, the Rear Doors I could barely hear them, Sub woofer although was putting out sound you really couldn’t hear it unless your next to it. In hindsight, I could have gone back to Factory door speakers and it might have worked and sounded ok. I did listen to another ’04 with the Audiophile and it sounded pretty good. So it seemed to me I need some tweeks.

5-So I thought the Polks where the problem so I bought some Boston Acc. Sx85 - $100
After playing around it turns out that the Polks in Front door and BostonAcc. in the rear doors gave a very Balanced sound, fader set to the middle. The Bostons seemed brighter and as such worked better in the rear doors where they are not placed in the best spot.

Still very tiny bass, so then I started this post, and wound up getting.
6- 10” Pioneer Sub Woofer - $60
7- GM7400 Sub Amp - $120
8-More Custom wiring (including 'nuts thats to short now' mistakes) - $60
9-Dynomatt/hardware - $70

After spending $580, Results - utter enjoyment, awesome, well balanced sound (at least as well as my old concert ears can hear) . . . and I can now turn up (ya I’m know I’m going to date myself) but In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida sounds great and clear turned up. It took two years to do, although i could have had it done in about a month if I wanted to spend a little more money and work it. Steering wheel controls, Rear DVD works and I still have Dual Mode which is priceless. Dual mode is when the kids can watch ScoobyDoo on the DVD and headphones and I can still listen to the Radio or CD’s. on the front speakers while it turns the rears are off.

Frick-en iPod . . . it started all this by the way. . .lol.

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Nice writeup and pics. Sounds like a decent system at a decent price.

It's personal preference really, the JL 8W0 handles 75W and the Premier 8" handles 120W, and they both have pretty low (85 dB) efficiency, so the JL probably has an edge on output, given the same factory amp as a power source, and both subs in their ideal size enclosures.

It's worth mentioning that JL has discontinued the 8W0 and it doesn't look like there are any plans for a new stock-replacement sub in an 8" size, so the Premier will soon be one of the few drop-in replacements.

Really all depends on the enclosure both are in, each will perform better in a certain enclosure.

Hey, I don't know if you remember me or not, but I have an Aviator now that I'm looking into upgrading the audio system the same way you did. The car just has the base 4 speaker system, so I would like to come across a stock enclosure to mount a 10 in. in. How did you come across an enclosure for $20? I can't find anything close to that affordable! Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

sorry, missed your question, on holiday. . . .up north.
If i where to do it again i just mount an 8", . . .

I found my enclosure on fleabay. . .actually found 2 one week, first one i let slip away for 70, but the other one for some reason no one bid on, . .or watched, so i lurked and was able to snag out of an ‘02 for $20 but shipping was $25 so. . . it was actually $50. Honestly i looked for 6months, i was in no hurry.

Since then I've seen a few in the Junkyards, most yards don't know they even have them, i was looking for the RR qtr trim panel for the speaker grill and the counter guys really couldn't look it up so i had to search the yard for them, looked at about 9 Exs from '02-'05 3 had it and the panel. I paid $60 for the panel but I also check on the sub and one wanted $50 and the other guy wanted $75. As for the panel, that was a mistake in the long run, in hindsight there was a better option that uses the existing panel to make a speaker grill.
happy to answer any questions.

Thanks for all of the info. The Aviator has a power outlet in the RR quarter trim and is a lighter gray than any Explorer so I'm gonna continue using the existing trim because I would have a hell of a time finding another. I may be able to buy the sub enclosure from the guy I sold my old Explorer to cause he said he was gonna drop in two 12 inchers so I'll have to look into that.

Did you find that you're 10 inch doesn't have adequate air space? Because I was hoping to go for a 10 because they're much easier to find and are of course, bigger!

Also, how did you find so many 3rd gen Explorers in junkyards? I have never seen one in Pull-a-Part's inventory. What's the best way to located local junkyards?

Thanks again,

The 10" pioneer was rated for .5cu/ft so i 'think' its fine. How could i tell by the way?
Ya i found an 8" for $80 and the 10" for $60 (fleabay). Let me know if you have any questions or need ideas on mounting it.

I live in Detroit, I have 6 to 8 yards within an hours drive. . .i'd expect you would have a few. Check the yellow pages, or i thought there was some online registry of them. The one u-pick is very cleaned out, i hear some are stripping them asap and then selling the stuff. And no 3rd gens.
Cherry Auto i thought was in Toledo if it helps. . .

I hear you can paint the panel but i was thinking of a way to reuse the existing panel and put a screen thing over the opening (rectangular thing in the middle).
happy to help you out, let me know if you have any questions.

I was actually thinking of doing the exact same thing with my panel. Just use a black or gray stretchy fabric of something. How come you said that if you did it again you would use an 8 inch if you're happy with your 10 inch?

that 10" was a bit of work to get it mounted solidly. . i had to trim the plastic which made it difficult to seal the air gaps, i spent some time trying to get a good solid support for the sub, the stock plastic panel has like 6" opening. The 10" worked well even with the above, but an 8" would have been a drop in for the most part, fit better, seal better. I was more concerned with matching the sub amps 200watt rms. .and concerned about the depth. That led me to the Pioneers (3" depth) the 8" was only 150wats, 10" 200watts. But when i tore into it i had about 1.5" to spare which gave me a lot more 8" options than i thought.

so im not new to audio by any means i study on this stuff every waking moment of my life since i was 13 14 years old i am currently 20. you could say i no my basics very well. i can make a system sound pretty dam good. BUT.. i have had many systems in my life alot of nice alot of **** when i first started. anyways moral here is u guys do some insane nice work on here i wish i new how to mount my subs in the side pannels of my truck and still have the same sound i do at the moment but it seems that in the audio world u have to pick and choose in some factors. sound or space. me personally i want that HUGE crisp clear sound that can be heard coming way down the block but i really wish i could hide my system away as i work on the road hauling tools so everytime i travel with my tools and equipment i have to pull my sub box out which gets pretty annoying but i guess thats just how it is. ANYWAYS GREAT JOB GUYS you have some amazing looking systems

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum and in need of some similar advice. I just purchased an '08 XLT with the factory subs and I too want to replace it without doing to much in the way of modifications. I read the earlier post and found that JL still does make the 8w0 that "Anime" suggested and I wanted to know is it truly a factory replacement that I can drop in and still keep the factory amp?

Looking for info on a dual woofer setup...

Sorry to pull up an old thread, but this has some great info and pictures in it, so hopefully some of the original posters can chime in.

First of I have an '03 Aviator.....have the stock sub on one side(I had it that long, and the wife has already claimed it for the winter)...but was wondering what was on the other side of the rear. I would like to do two tens, one on each side. Custom enclosures and fiberglass work are not a problem. Would like to keep the system as stealth as possible.

Mainly was just concerned about what might be hiding behind the non subwoofer side, and if anyone had done a setup like I am planning..... or had pics of what is back there.

The non subwoofer side houses the rear HVAC unit, so I don't think you'll find any spare room on the side. The subwoofer side has a decent amount of room though. My Aviator didn't have the factory sub so I threw an 8 inch Rockford Fosgate in a factory enclosure and it sounds great.

Thanks for the info, guess I'll just have to have a back up Still want to go with a ten though...dont mind the custom work to squeeze out a little more airspace. Plus I already have the subs....I'm kind of a collector....:)

The non subwoofer side houses the rear HVAC unit, so I don't think you'll find any spare room on the side. The subwoofer side has a decent amount of room though. My Aviator didn't have the factory sub so I threw an 8 inch Rockford Fosgate in a factory enclosure and it sounds great.

Sorry to pull up an old thread,

no problem. . .wow, 5,000+ readers. Been busy and not online for a few sorry.

anyways, as noted the 10" dropped right in with modifications. Only thing to watch for is the depth. Since you already have it all it would be easy to check if it fits.

Mine -still going strong, no complaints, except the wife drives it most of the time.

Happy to answer any questions, . .might take a day or two to get back with the holidays approaching.

What is the depth on the factory box, do you know? I was thinking about putting a JL 8W1v2 in mine.

I have no clue without tearing the car apart to measure, but I installed s Rockford Fosgate
P1S48 into the factory box, but was forced to make a 3/4 in spacer.

in thread #13 i have a TSSW251 side by side to the OEM, which had a bolt in back of the enclosure. Didn't measure to be 100% - 4.0" is my guess.
Fosgate - 4.125 in.(10.48 cm) added 1" ring
Pioneer - 3-1/10"

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Cool, the JL 8W1v2 is 3.85" in depth. Thanks guys!
