Are all 4.10 8.8 ford gearing the same? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Are all 4.10 8.8 ford gearing the same?


Explorer Addict
March 21, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Rockwall tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT
i found a few 4.10 8.8 gears for mustangs and f150. will they fit my 99 explorer 2wd?

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All Ford 8.8 ring and pinions are the same, yes

so, i can buy an racing 8.8 4.10 for mustang and put it in my explorer 8.8? yes?

no..they are 28 spline, yours are 31.

Yes you can actually. Any 4.10 Ring and pinion from a standard cut 8.8 will work.

The spline count does not matter for the ring and pinion.

ANY FORD 8.8 rear end RING AND PINION is interchange-able

so, i do not need to ask the seller if it is 28 or 31 spline. just make sure it is 8.8 4.10. correct? i know i sound repeatative but i wanna be sure before i buy it. i know my 99 xlt has 31 spline onit

Call Ford and ask them.............

I found this out when I re-geared my truck to 4.10, all 8.8 R&P are the same......

thank u for your promp responce. thank u thank u thank u. ;)


Would it be difficult to install these new gears at home? And also, what is usually included in the installation kit? Is there anything else you have to buy seperate?

Re: Installation

Originally posted by Explo01
Would it be difficult to install these new gears at home? And also, what is usually included in the installation kit? Is there anything else you have to buy seperate?
Re-gearing is not a DIY job unless you have plenty of experience doing them. The install requires special tools and special talent.

You *Can* regear an axle yourself but you need some special tools and do alot of research. A couple of guys on the board have regeared thier 8.8 successfully it takes alot of patience though. I've been toying with the idea of doing gears my self when i regear but i know of a guy who does it for 20 an hour. But regearing an axle is definantly on my list of things i want to do.

Yeah, changing the gears is a must for me, especially since I hate slow acceleration. And then after gears, I am going to have to get the chip flashed for that, and so on.:banghead:

Setting up gears can be a DIY project, but you better have mechanical knowledge and proper tooling. I have found that so far, my gear setups are better then what the local shop is doing.

does my 95 use 8.8 r&p?


These are the mods I plan on getting on my 4.0L 2wd:
Apten Chip (on the way!!!;) )
cold-air intake
Magnaflow muffler w/custom pipes
31" tires

Right now I have like 29" tires, would anyone recommend 4.10 gears? What would be the benefits? Any downsides? I'm sure this has been answered, but I couldn't find this info.
