Assateague Island -- summer 09 | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Assateague Island -- summer 09

we'll i'm trying to sell my explorer, but if i still have it, I'll deff be in! Not exactly the greatest time to try to be selling one, so I'll figure it'll be in my f-ing drive way! lol anyone else have more pics, looks just like carolla beach.

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i was just thinking wouldnt it suck to hit a horse in your explorer haha

Insurance would cover it lol the island is not a off road area its a "road"

It is a very quiet and relaxing place. I used to go there all of the time as a kid but I have never driven on the beach there. I may be interested if I can come up with the extra money.

Something tells me we'll be paying 4 bucks again this summer ,lol this might be another one of those 6 page threads and 3 people show up ,,,,, lets all hope oil stays low! After the snow today i'm ready for some sand, and sun!

this is a MAYBE for me if i can get the extra money and gas stays low and the date is right i'll be in

just to let everyone know, I am a member of assateague island mobile sportfisherman association. and I know for a fact if you are going to have a get together, you will need to obtain a permit if there are going to be more than 50 people attending, the permit can be obtained through the national park service. If there are less than 50 people not a prob. Also if your planning it for a weekend plan on a long wait to get onto the beach. Assateague has a 155 vehicle limit, meaning once the limit is hit it is a one off one on rule, so you can be sitting for hours waiting to get on the beach. I have found during the week there is no problem. The limit is for the maryland side, the virginia side is only like 35 vehicles, va also requires a seperate permit for nights and they do not allow dogs of beach fires. maryland allows dogs as long as there on a 6 foot leash and fires are ok. I am usually out there 4 to 5 times a week in the summer, surf fishin. I have taken my second gen out and my third gen with out any problems. I have only buried twice in 10 years and both were due to my stupidity.

then how far in advance would you say... we would need to " reserve " the beach for our get together... in your opinion ?????

im so down for this, and i cant wait !

that's the reason why I posted it now. last year they let me cut everyone cuz im a government employee haha. but anyways yes we need a number im gonna say we will get at most 10 trucks. I still think it will be a blast.
so is it a definite that it will be the weekend of july 26th like the friday sat. sun or what

macknos, just as a suggestion, I would edit your first post with the names of people who are coming, who might be coming, and who aren't. This trip was a great idea, as I said before, count me in.:thumbsup:

should not be a problem for me to attend, I live 20 minutes away. I know the beach very well also.

good call ill start editing and do that

yes... lets atleast start getting a list of whos going to go and a list of may go...

good idea

Did this thread die or is still a go?

It should still be alive, just the winter time kills peoples spirits!lol,
Sorry fellas,, i'm tapping out, i sold my explorer last month, 5k for it,, the kid got a hell of a deal, but I'll hopefully buy a very used explorer to play w/ you all again when the economy gets better in the next year or two.

this thread is not dead yet...

im still really into this idea

i may be up for aint a problem for me..even if gas is still aint no problem for long as either of my kids aint sick..and my wife wants to go..ill up for anything,i just bought another explorer,,any probably buying another one next week

Congrats on the new Ex John, ITS ABOUT TIME! LOL.

I still may go but we're tryin to go to the Outer Banks again this summer.

thanx debating on a few places for vacation this year like florida,virginia beach,pocono mountains,or long beach island..i already had to do a few things to the truck..but its all good,i had 2 put in a new battery,then the alternator went during the snow storm on monday,other then that it has a new tranny and new brakes all the way around only paid 500 for it

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