At wits end | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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At wits end


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April 14, 2017
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1996 explorer Xlt 2dr
Hey everyone.. Serious problems here.. I've got a problem. With my 96 explorer.. What it's doing I've never 'encountered before.. It's gagging like it's starving for fuel but there's fuel in it.. And after it runs for a couple miles ill feel it "catch up" and it runs like a dream but then if I shut it off it won't start back up until I release the fuel pressure at the fuel rail and then it will start again but conti. Yes to run terrible . I've changed all the following components.. Fuel pump and filter,plugs and wires TPS, crank sensor cam sensor mass air flow sensor fuel pressure regulator checked for fuel line integrity all good there as best I can see.. I've cleaned and changed the throttle body still not solving the problem.. It's driving me nuts.. I've even changed the plenmum gasket and determined The injectors are working fine changed the coil pack too.. I'm at wits end.. I'm a very good mechanic and strong in trouble shooting but it's out a whoopin on me.. The thing that baffles me is the letting off of the fuel pressure when it won't start ob and there seems to be an immense amount of pressure coming from the fuel rail when I release it.. The correct fuel pressure hasn't been determined because I have no gauge and no way to get one and certainly don't the money to take it to a shop.. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated..

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Have you tried driving with the fuel cap off as a test? Maybe your problem is too much pressure building up in the fuel tank. That might be due to an issue with the evap canister or its valve or purge valve. Just spit-balling...

Autozone is showing they rent a fuel gauge, possibly Advance too. We have a return fuel system, if something is causing a blockage there could be serious issues. Excess fuel is normally dumped back in the tank. If the pressure goes above the high 30s either the regulator is bad or there is a line blockage. How did you check the fuel system without a gauge? Maybe try a junkyard regulator. They usually don't go bad though.

How about exhaust blockage, I know you mentioned relieving the fuel pressure but those symptoms could point to that.

Have you done any OBD diagnostics? Fuel Trim, Baro, etc. If you don't have an adapter I suggest the BAFX adapter ($20)on Amazon and a free software called Forscan. It works great for these trucks, and is a worthwhile investment.

A cheap dial type air pressure gauge will test fuel pressure accurately. 4-5 bux at wally world.

Yup, but it will probably only work once though... LOL

Mine has served dual purpose for several years now, to be honest. If it will seal for air, a liquid should be no problem. Fuel doesn't seem to hurt the insides at all. You will have to keep a steady downward pressure on the valve, just like checking tire pressure.

Mine is exactly like this one. I have checked it for accuracy and it has held fine.


Well damn, wish I had not gone out and spend $60 on a Bosch one when my fuel pump went out.

Mine has served dual purpose for several years now, to be honest. If it will seal for air, a liquid should be no problem. Fuel doesn't seem to hurt the insides at all. You will have to keep a steady downward pressure on the valve, just like checking tire pressure.

Mine is exactly like this one. I have checked it for accuracy and it has held fine.


So funny how that air pressure gauge says FUEL SAVER on it.LOL.
