aux battery placement(it's so cool!) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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aux battery placement(it's so cool!)


Active Member
April 25, 2000
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Portland, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
93' XLT 4X4
i just got a sealed lead acid deep cycle battery(love it) intalled(with a solenoid thingy) right before i went to burning man(oh so cool). its generic.., is a little bit bigger, but costs half the price of an optima..and has twice the amp hours..which i need cuz i use it mostly for christmas light, strobes, laserz, stereo, and other gadgets for pure pleasure, without having to recharge as often while camping. i would like to relocate it to the engine compartment and run cables for my dc/ac inverter back to the storage compartment on the rear right side in the way back. i was wondering who it was that did the write up in the tips section about this(or anyone else who has done it) and in particular how much room there actually was to fit the battery as mine is a bit bigger than an optima. its sayz plenty of room.. but i would like to know exact dimensions before rearranging under the hood...if you see what i mean....thanx..

[Edited by shlompyboy on 09-21-2000 at 11:59 PM]

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I remember reading about putting a spare on the drivers side where the coolant res. and windowfluid bottle is. The washer part was cut off and a new one put in by the master cylinder, and the coolant bottle was moved around to make room for a battery tray. I can't point you in the right direction for the thread, but maybe this will help with ideas. Also this was on an older Explorer like mine(mine is a '93 and I am thinking about adding one also).

yeah..thats the write up i was talking about in the tips section...i just wanna know if mine will fit before doing it...

I can't find it right now but it's Rick's ride that has the dual optima batteries. PM him and I'm sure he can get you yo the right place

To-Do list

This is on my "To-Do" list also... Especially after I had to cal AAA to get a jump a couple of weeks ago. I am thinking about putting in some diodes to allow both batteries to charge at the same time - running them in parallel (keeps them at 12V and not creating a 24V over-voltage). I have yet to sit down and work out the electronics on it so be able to switch load batteries.

Shlompyboy...I'd like to know what this generic battery is cause I have a hard time believing that it's better than an optima...they're hard to beat....but if even for a split second they get a rating higher than an optima, that is how they may rate it to make it sound better....I may be wrong though....Pete

well the guys at northwest battery were extremely helpfull..they had plenty of optimas they could have sold me...for twice the price...they literally gave me a crash course for about an hour...optimas are particullarly desieigned for cars...and have become the standard..everybody wants a yellow top ya know,but these are auto enthusists not battery specialists...(ever see a wheelchair or golfcart with an optima)Deep cycle batteries are used in MANY other industries other than cars.(this place was littery a wherehouse of batteries) i did ALOT of research on deep cycle batteries, and they are the same thing..just not as pretty..they are totally sealed(he was throwing them on the ground..hard), can be mounted upside down, but just arent as compact...optima just knows they can make money off being the AUTO industry standard...i think the only real difference is that optimas are gell opposed to sealed lead acid, and i think that gell cell are very sensitive to alternator you have to get a new alternator..or so ive been told...also i need the extended amphours...seen the price for a 120 amphour optima..? i paid $ like a charm.. here's a good place to go for info's a volkwagon camper message board...many come standard with aux batteries for fridge..heater..ect..

or this faq...

Okay, well I've seen many people use optimas and dual optimas in they 4x4's for their big lighting systems, winches and car audio...As my signature shows, I'ev already got a perfectly fine I think I will do fine, although I do agree...the optimas are pricy...not saying that what you got is bad, cause i havent had or heard of any hands on exprience on it but like i said, it may be good and hope it does turn out well.

you're only looking at an extra $30 for the yellow top. That's paid for in the fact of you never will have corrision on your wires or acid spilling all over the place. I'm thinking I will stay with the optima.

On the other could always purchase a "remote battery mount". This kit is commonly used in race cars to mount the battery behind the driver. Then all you need to do is mount it in the cargo area...or if you have space, by the spare tire, and run the lines. Two batteries. All you'll use the second one for though is if you're dead, or need that extra power.

Here is the article:

And a photo:


Rick, what is with the bolt down bracket....I've got an optima and I dont wanna spend hours customizing a bracket...I've seen some generic brackets at Trak Auto for a ranger that look like they can work. Did ya make that yourself or buy it?
Thanks Pete

I have seen those battery brackets at Auto Zone and stuff, nothign special... a j-hook that's a bit longer then the battery with a screw-down, and the bracket itself which goes over the battery.

Excellent cause those Optimas are smaller and I need a new way to hold it down...
