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AWESOME EXPLORER! too bad its not mine!!!!!!

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wrap-around window...

Wow, just say that green one. That is an excellent idea for anyone with something other than a black ex. Paint each side of the rear window black to match the rear side windows... Looks awesome, I think.

Anyone done that? Show some pics.

Originally posted by 410Fortune
That trucks been posted here a few times, sure is NICE for a sport........lots of work in that sucker........

Saleen should have made a sport.......

Yessir. This has made it around here like the town bicycle... Although I tend to not be a huge fan, I'd love that truck with some 18's and a blown V-8! Now, that'd be *****in!


i can respect the work involved but i personally dont like it too much. a little bit too loud for my taste. i like to be more subtle. i also dont like sports that are riced out like that. four doors seem to look better for that for some reason. by the way lowdpypes that does seem like it would be pretty cool. i wonder if anyone has tried it. the green one on the bottom almost looks like a rodeo doesnt it?

Re: wrap-around window...

Originally posted by LowdPypes
Wow, just say that green one. That is an excellent idea for anyone with something other than a black ex. Paint each side of the rear window black to match the rear side windows... Looks awesome, I think.

Anyone done that? Show some pics.

i think that green one was the concept truck for the 2002 X (i think i remember seeing it on motortrend tv or car and driver tv or something like that a few years ago.) that truck really looks like it has balls to spare, but what does ford do? they go and build a minivan out of it (no offense to 02 X owners, and, yes, i know theyre just giving the majority of the public what they think it wants.)

what seems like a shame to me is that ford can come up with some very cool concepts, but they STILL have yet to build an enthusiasts vehicle out of an SUV (street or off road.)

too bad that they didn't put those tail lights on that green ex on the 02's


Now, those are some very nice rides and I love that Green machine whatever that future vehicle is and that 2 door 1st generation X is just amazing. How he took a first generation X and turned it into an awesome looking machine is just amazing and that other Saleen looking X is great too.:D

I just ordered the low pipes for my 2 dr, going to hafta customize, but thats the name of the game wit cars if you want anything to look good. So i'll keep you posted on how it turnes out!

it's a 1998 sport BTW. If you were wondering


I say go for it and customize your ride and I know it will look good when you are done. I pimped out my vehicle. Hit the home page on the bottom of my post here and it will take you there.

Not a bad lookin truck BIGBADFRED, i gotta get my digital camera out and start taking some pictures of this beast. I will probably post them after i customize the saleen parts i am getting plus i think im going to jump for the supercharger:eek: So i'll post when im done!
