Ball Joints or Wheel ballancing? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ball Joints or Wheel ballancing?


Well-Known Member
December 16, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Spokane, Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ex V8, AWD XLT
This weekend I took off for a little trip. On my way out of town at about 65 I got a really shake, and really really bad at 75 (just wanted to see if it got worse) I stopped into a Big 10 because I've got a lifetime ballance with them. Any way the guy took into the bay came back, and told me he could still ballance it, but that wasn't the problem. He said all four ball joints are bad along with my drivers side inner tie rod end. He took me out and showd me when he pried up on the tire (vehicl off the ground) the lower joints would lift a little, then the pulled out on the top of the tire and said he could hear the top making noise. Then pulled the drivers tire left to right said he could again hear the inner tie rod making noise. My question is this. I'm confident in making all the repairs myself (save the tie rod, a little reading will remady), but is what he did accurate and is the adjustment on the pass side upper control arm necessary? I ask because I bought everything from autozone, but the pass side upper arm (she checked twice correct part) doesn't have the "camber" (I think it's camber) adjustment on it. Thanks for any help you guys can lend me.
