Before and After...what do ya think?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Before and After...what do ya think??




Good Change or Bad Change????

I had a couple of good friends that helped me acquire and paint all of the necessary stuff. N2FORD and another friend that is not associated with the website plus all of the helpful stuff here at the site. THANKS A BUNCH!!


p.s.(Hope I did the picture attachment right...)

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Pics did not work, but i was able to copy and paste them. Nice looking truck, very clean i like it.

O.K. I guess I didn't. Let's try it this way...
Here are the URL's for the pics.




I like it alot, looks pretty good, maybe if a little bit more of a low pro tire and a little bit of lowering it would look even better, but liek i said, its looks good.

"Looks Great" Do something about those tailights though! Nothing drastic, just a moderate change.

Looks much much better!

How did you prep the rear bumper before painting? Did you spray anything else before the first primer coat?

For the plastic portion, it was sanded and coated with Bullfrog. Bullfrog is a plastic adhesion promoter. The chrome portion was sandblasted then primed and painted.

Pertaining to the taillights.....what are my options?


IMHO, it needs 2 things. 1) on the rear it needs those black trim panels painted white. 2) smaller tires or something. Tires and wheels just don't match the truck. But I love a white Explorer.

Smaller tires? If anything the next size up. I love the white on white look! :thumbsup:

i say a mild lift and some more aggressive tires.... the trend now adays is street truck looks but lifted... sport truck.... i like the all white... looks good.. the pony wheels too...

BBQ_HotDogs said:
IMHO, it needs 2 things. 1) on the rear it needs those black trim panels painted white..

I concur.

Looks very nice......

Are those the older cobra wheels? Looks real good.

Texplorer said:
Are those the older cobra wheels? Looks real good.

Yeah they are the 95-96 Cobra wheels. As far as tires are concerned, I am thinking about going with the Nitto Terragrapplers 265/70/17. Same as a 32". They are good looking tires. Right now I am running some used Michelins just to make sure that size would work with the lift that I have. I had to do some minor trimming in the front on the side skirt that comes into the fender well but that is it. I am also running 1.5" billet spacers to get the wheel spaced correctly. Plus it gives it the wider stance that I like.

I have always been the guy that lowers everything. I am a hotrodder at heart, but for a daily driver, this setup is working extremely well. I am in the middle of building a new house and the extra ground clearance has come in handy driving in, out and arround my property. It rides rough and I think that is because I have the "B" bars in the front, but it's not terribly bad. I guess the next step is to get some new shocks and lengthen the sway bar end links. I am wondering if the end links are limiting the the full extension or is it the shocks?


with a 4X you wouldn't want to lower it anyways..

I like the look. Haven't seen to many lifted trucks with color keyed rims.. Looks good on your truck.. Nice job..

and trust me I totally know about the whole not wanting to lower it thing.. I got me a ranger that lays frame hard and so I bought my explorer just so I wouldn't do anything to it..

looks very nice, i definatly wouldnt mind doing the same thing with my green one

A more agresive tire is what it needs!!! I have seen it personally and it looks great, lower a 2wd raise a 4wd is my way of thinking.

IN2FORD said:
For the plastic portion, it was sanded and coated with Bullfrog. Bullfrog is a plastic adhesion promoter. The chrome portion was sandblasted then primed and painted.

Pertaining to the taillights.....what are my options?


I have a pair of clears w/ red bottom that will fit. Let me know, and I will post a pic :)

In a word, "sleek."
