Best Engine mods for 5.0 V8 '97 Moutaineer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best Engine mods for 5.0 V8 '97 Moutaineer


January 8, 2009
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Phoenix, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Mountaineer 5.0V8 AWD
I was just curious what the best mods for the 5.0 V8 in my '97 AWD Mountaineer are? I am looking for mods that are not going to render my vehicle annoying to drive, like some exhaust mods, because this is my daily driver. I was thinking some sort of camshaft regrind (or different camshaft), throttle body, intake manifold, exhaust manifold, or something not terribly invasive (basically something where I don't have to completely tear my engine apart).

Where should I start? Btw, I do have the exhaust manifold "ticking" on the driver's side, what are the best replacement manifolds to buy that won't crack and might even net a little power gain? Btw, my V8 has the crazy, almost copper colored manifolds on there (i.e not cast iron) so does that mean I have the GT40P or GT40(NON-P) heads? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I am sure this motor has plenty of available mods, considering its wide use by Ford. Annoying mods are basically what I described above as exhaust mods, specifically ones that make the motor, and inside cabin, much louder and more fatiguing on the ears.

Although Honda's are different in displacement and many other things I just can't get the sound of those ridiculously loud exhaust systems they put on, which makes being in such a vehicle annoying enough to bring earplugs with me.

Ok, now I get it TMH, is short for Torque Monster Headers. I heard of people getting these for something like $340-400, that would be reasonable, not quite sure if close to $700 will be in my budget right now.

Well, that seems to add more torque, what about anything to increase horsepower numbers; different intake manifold, throttle body? Also, are the headers fatiguing on the ears when taking the truck on long trips? I don't mind a healthy V8 exhaust note under load but cruising I don't want to be listening to a really loud engine all the time.

Ok, now I get it TMH, is short for Torque Monster Headers. I heard of people getting these for something like $340-400, that would be reasonable, not quite sure if close to $700 will be in my budget right now.

Well, that seems to add more torque, what about anything to increase horsepower numbers; different intake manifold, throttle body? Also, are the headers fatiguing on the ears when taking the truck on long trips? I don't mind a healthy V8 exhaust note under load but cruising I don't want to be listening to a really loud engine all the time.

For $340-400 they were either used TM or the crappy Ford Motorsport (FMS) headers.

The headers will not be loud or annyoying. There is nothing wrong with the intake on our 5.0 As a matter of fact we have the GT40 intake set up.

There is not a bolt on throttle body for Explorers or Mountaineers. One for a Mustang will have to be modifed and you will loose your cruise control.

The best bang for your buck is an SCT Xcal Tuner from James at Henson Performance.

You can find quiet exhaust for the 5.0. Mine is great and it flows very well. Look up "Flo Pro" on the site's review page. I reviewed them. I have no issues with cabin drone whatsoever.

TMH are worth budgeting for. I've wanted them for 3+ years and dream=reality later this month. They are worth the $$$ and then some. Marry it to a new exhaust, an air intake setup and then custom tune. You'll be pleased.

Tons o'info on the site on the 5.0. That's why you're not getting much feedback in this thread. Search to your heart's content and be prepared to be addicted. This site is not just one of the best automotive sites on the planet, but it's one the of best sites period. Hope to see you around.

For $340-400 they were either used TM or the crappy Ford Motorsport (FMS) headers.

The headers will not be loud or annyoying. There is nothing wrong with the intake on our 5.0 As a matter of fact we have the GT40 intake set up.

There is not a bolt on throttle body for Explorers or Mountaineers. One for a Mustang will have to be modifed and you will loose your cruise control.

The best bang for your buck is an SCT Xcal Tuner from James at Henson Performance.

Ditto on the TMH's and SCT Xcal. Best mods I've done.
