Best size tires for gas mileage? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best size tires for gas mileage?

Zero Cylinder said:
what are the stock size? im pretty sure the previous owner put smaller size tires on mine...

everything is completely stock and i was averaging 17-22 mpg highway/city combined...

i switched to 32x11.50's and went to 10-12mpg combined....which sucked with the current gas prices...

i would like the biggest tires i could have without a total loss of affordable gas mileage.
What rearend ratio do you have? That makes a difference.

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Robb said:
Or it could be that the air is more dense in winter, and has nothing to do with the tires at all.

if thats true...then why with stock sized 235s does it get 14MPG in city then :rolleyes:

we drove it for all these years in the winter with stock sized it never could get over 14 in city in the winter in 4x4 full time. now in winter with 215s it gets 16-17 in town i the 4x4 full time.

hmm...just maybe i know what the hell im talking about ;)

Rolling resistance and mass are the two largest factors in what tires/wheels will give you the best mileage. Smaller tires (height wise) work better because of the lower mass. Smaller width tires work better because of the lower rolling resistance. Go with the lightest, narrowest tire/wheel combo you can get for the best possible increase in mileage from your tires. You may find that going to a larger ultralight rim with narrow, low profile tires may give you the best results.

Stock is your best bet. It's what the engineers designed it for for the best balance of economy, performance, handling, and ride.

If you went down in size, your odometer would show more miles than you are actually traveling. I went up to 31s, and for every 100 miles I drive, my odometer only registers 93 miles...

TexasEx said:
If you went down in size, your odometer would show more miles than you are actually traveling. I went up to 31s, and for every 100 miles I drive, my odometer only registers 93 miles...

Just recalibrate the odomoter.

Hmmm maybe that's why my truck runs so damn good for 162k miles.... it's had like 225 something car tires on it for around 60k miles lol and they still look like they have 10k or so left in them.


Zero Cylinder said:
Hmmm maybe that's why my truck runs so damn good for 162k miles.... it's had like 225 something car tires on it for around 60k miles lol and they still look like they have 10k or so left in them.

If it has smaller tires on it then that would mean you have traveled more miles than what the odo says. Unless that size tire was what came stock, meaning the odo is calibaratd for that size tire. More than likely though, you drive at what the speedo says and that is less than you are actually traveling at.

I just checked, the tires say 225 70R15

Ummm... It'd make more sense to me that smaller tires would mean less mileage and larger tires would mean more mileage. I don't know though.
