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BF Goodrich or Goodyear


Explorer Addict
January 28, 2008
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Johnston Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Dodge Grand Caravan
BF Goodrich MT or Goodyear MT? or should i forget the whole idea and stick to AT tires since i do more highway driving than mud, im in it for looks not function. I have heard in the past that fuel economy suffers, did some searching on the forum and found a few people who agree to this idea, however i need more opinons on if the decline in mpg is that bad.

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BF Goodrich for sure. But like you mentioned if you don't see much dirt then go with an AT. Go for the BF Goodrice All-Terrain T/A and you won't be disappointed. Looks good and performs very good in on-road conditions, and has respectable performance off road as well.

i had 33inch goodyear mtr's and now i have 33inch bf at's, i have not noticed any differance with gas mileage l loved the mtr's they performed amazing all around wet dry as do the at's if your for looks i would go for the mtr's (the old ones if you can still find them the new design are week looking) the bf km2 are not bad looking either if you decide to go that route. i will be getting 35s mtrs soon

I have always had really good luck with BFG. Goodforayears, not so much. I found in my own experience that the Goodyear products I have used wore down fairly quickly compared to my BFG's. (just put new BFG AT ko's on the Ex last week)

BF Goodrich MT or Goodyear MT? or should i forget the whole idea and stick to AT tires since i do more highway driving than mud, im in it for looks not function. I have heard in the past that fuel economy suffers, did some searching on the forum and found a few people who agree to this idea, however i need more opinons on if the decline in mpg is that bad.

Given that choice and circumstance, I would go with BF Goodrich and stick to AT. The Goodyears are a bit sloppy in the rain and the MT are noisier on the hwy an will drive you insane!!!
My Personal choice is Michelin LTX. AT They perform flawlessly.


At the moment i currently have Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor tires and most likely will be sticking with either the same tire or the BF Goodrich AT. Hopefully I wont need new rubber untill late December to mid January if i can get them to last that long.

I test drove an X with BFG long trail TA tours and I really liked how those drove. Granted they are more of a street tire, they should still be pretty good for some mild off roading.

As far as mud tires go, the BFG MT and Goodyear MT are both good. I've only had the BFG and the wet traction sucks but other than that they are fine. My personal favorite is the Super Swamper SSR. Better offroad than the BFG or Goodyear MTs, no louder than the BFG, wore just as good and was cheaper.

IMO BFG ATs are almost as loud as the MTs and they have been less than impressive offroad in slick conditions.

For my Explorer I'm going with the Long Trail TA tours when I need new ones and I'll be taking it offroad on our farm roads and using it in the snow.


If you do more highway miles like myself but hit the trails on the weekend or whatever it may be you might want to look into the Nitto Terra Grapplers. Great on and off the road and much cheaper than both of those tires.

Yes, Michelin LTX's - You will love them. My wife even won't put anything else on her Explorer!

At the moment i currently have Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor tires and most likely will be sticking with either the same tire or the BF Goodrich AT. Hopefully I wont need new rubber untill late December to mid January if i can get them to last that long.

Aren't your Wranglers less than two years old? Have you put that much mileage on them, or are they wearing more quickly than you'd like?

I went with toyo open country AT's and they are great, they look good and work well in any conditions i have been through. A little noisy but i kinda like that!

Aren't your Wranglers less than two years old? Have you put that much mileage on them, or are they wearing more quickly than you'd like?

offroad driving has shortened the life span, i'll change them at around 25-30k depending on tread life, but rock damage, and offroading has taken some tread life away.

and mileage wise yes i drive quite a bit 20-25k a year.

My decision most likely will be to stick with the goodyears, i like the tire and it has been good to me.
