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Bizzare oil "puking" problem...


Well-Known Member
March 30, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
DFW, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer 4.6L AWD
ok for nearly 3 oil changes now, my wife's '04 Mountaineer (4.6L AWD, 134K) has been doing the craziest thing.

totally random, it will puke 2 tablespoons to a 1/2 quart of oil over night. I can take the truck for a quick trip into town (30 miles round trip). Park it.. check 4 hours later. Nothing. she can go to work (36 miles 1 way) & let it sit all day, nothing... Then come home, park it over night, the next morning... PUKE... oil slick. But not every night.

Another thing I have diagnosed, is that when I top off the oil to the proper level according to the dipstick, the booger will puke oil every night until its roughly a 1/2 quart low.

I have tried every brand of oil filter available, from my preferred FoMoCo, K&N, STP, Mobil 1, Trust, Fram... The other part is I can only see that the PUKE is down low, but can't find a defninitve spot where its coming from.

I have tried Baars Leak for Crank Case.. nada... I've tried different oils, we park on a flat/level surface in front of the house.. but it only "baby pukes" when parked with the hood facing down hill on our driveway out back in the alley...

I am stumped...

I am doing a full tune up this weekend (plugs, PCV, Fuel filter, clean the air filter, replace cabin filter etc)

It just makes NO sense at all.



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That definetly is crazy havent heard of that happening. Would definetly like to know what it is when you find out.

no clue but I have some questions.

where is the leak in relation to the vehicle?
near the front of the engine? rear part of the engine? around the oil pan? left? right?

I would think you would be able to see where it dripped from by getting a good look underneath.

my initial guess is one of your main seals(front or rear). Cold over night temps may cause some type of contraction? causing a leak when its cold, sometimes? Warmer engine temps after driving causing expansion and no leaks?

How much oil do you add when doing an oil change? It takes 6 quarts, but when I check the dipstick on my '02 4.6L immediately after an oil change, it always shows about a quart low. I never add more.

^^^^ DING DING!!!! this is what I am thinking & have a couple other close mechanic friends & they have come to this conclusion.

The leak is from the general area of the oil filter.. but all over the cross member, filter drain "shoot" for lack of a better description. I have tested the location of the leak by moving the truck forward & back to see where the leaves its "accident".

Another thing, only rarely once the truck is fully warmed it will "dribble" or "tinkle" a few random drops, like it dripping off the cross member.

I am doing a full tune up this weekend including the PCV & & fuel filters.


with the exception of a K&N panel filter & NGK V-power plugs the truck is 100% stock.

I cannot find a listing for a PCV or Crankcase vent on any of the parts sites... unless I am looking for the wrong thing.

Anyone know of a part # for the PCV?


Just a wild shot in the dark here, but could there be two gaskets on the oil filter? One left from a previous oil change and the current filter.

^^^ good idea... I will check that as well. Hadn't even paid attention, but anything is possible.

I am doing a full tune up & oil change this morning... I will look thanks for the idea.


gasket @ the block-to-adapter you mean?


The early 4.6 v8's had a problem with the oil filter housing gasket leaking. It's kind of a bugger to replace.

How would one go about replacing it then? Mine drips, and a mechanic said it was that....I'd like to start using synthetic, but don't want it to start pouring out....

Well I am home from traveling for 6 weeks & I am determined to find this.

I am putting in tracer dye tomorrow before the week starts...

I will update what I find.

