Blinking O/D light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Blinking O/D light


August 10, 2013
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SE Idaho
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Sport Trac
Hey guys. I just found this site yesterday after I bought my 2002 Sport trac. The O/D light started blinking on me on the freeway and it didn't want to shift into OD. It sounds like I have a problem similar to others on the Explorer forums. Anyone here had that problem with the Sport Tracs? Sounds mostly like a solenoid problem, or a Torque coverter clutch. I'm not mechanically inclined, but I don't want to be taken advantage of by a dealer.

I have a huge pit in my stomach thinking it could be a bad transmission and we have bills out the ears right now. Is there a way I can get my truck scanned and replace this myself if that is the problem?

It has 110,000 miles on it. When I'm easy on the gas, it shifts just fine with no problems. Any help easing my mind would be awesome. Or brutality works too, if I'm screwed. thanks.

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I had the same problem and it was a shift solenoid problem. The truck started having a shifting flare between 2nd and 3rd gear. I ended up going the expensive route and had the whole transmission replaced because I was doing so much towing at the time and needed the truck back quickly and to also be more reliable. I do believe that an OBDII reader will give you a code though if this is a problem. Mine was giving me troubles before I was into the DIY and modding of vehicles so I cant be 100% sure.

Hey, thanks for the reply. We'll find out next week b/c everyone was closed today. I'm just starting to be interested in lifts etc. I don't know anything other than what I started reading on this forum. This place is a great resource. thanks again

This place is a dangerous resource. Hide your money.

That's how it started for me. It's addicting for sure haha.

By the way, I took my 02 Sport trac down and had the code read. It showed an improper gear ratio 2 or something like that. My transmission fluid level was way too high, so I had them drain out about an extra quart of fluid. Since then (2 days ago) I haven't been able to get that blinking O/D light to come on. It looks as if that may have been the problem. I'll update the board if something happens in the next few weeks and that light comes back on.
